How to Raise Racist Kids

Bish, Naziism is assinine. Especially in the 21st century. HOWEVER, freedom of speech & the right of the parents circumvent state sponsored political correctness.

If you chose not to draw swastikass on your kids, I applaud that. I even agree. However, you do not have the right to tell these people what they can do, politically, with their children. I applaud their decision to make thei statemment known. I disagree with their message & their method. I WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM SPEAKING.
Bish, Naziism is assinine. Especially in the 21st century. HOWEVER, freedom of speech & the right of the parents circumvent state sponsored political correctness.

If you chose not to draw swastikass on your kids, I applaud that. I even agree. However, you do not have the right to tell these people what they can do, politically, with their children. I applaud their decision to make thei statemment known. I disagree with their message & their method. I WILL NOT STOP THEM FROM SPEAKING.

Hence one of the major differences between the States and Canada. You believe in freedom of speech without boundaries...we believe that without boundaries the entire idea of freedom of speech is useless. The line got drawn where speech incites violence or promotes genocide. It's a pretty good place to put it.
Withstanding 1939 Germany...

how does a symbol INCITE violence or PROMOTE genocide?
Symbols mean things

Withstanding 1939 Germany...

how does a symbol INCITE violence or PROMOTE genocide?

see gonz symbols act to help establish group identity and unity. they are especially useful for purposes of mobilization. ask any flag-waving moron.
A symbol offers focus for purpose of cause, the final effects of the purpose and cause become attached to the symbol from a historical sense. (the swazi is older than then naxis)

Many of the left ideaologies match that of past socialist.marxist.crappola. Trufax
Tell me, Mr Logic, you don't see, and wonder why, there's a crescent moon on Obama's new symbol?


It's only supposed to look like the Barry-symbol:


Hmmm. Or maybe a combination of the two.