For the record, I'm a natural redhead!

I can't believe that four people thought my hair was brown or blond originally! I only color my hair to get it a lighter red, but it's still naturally red.
My answers, just to show that you could get all that info from this board:
1. Original reason I was dubbed greenfreak:
2. Original color of my hair:
3. How did I meet my boyfriend?... Can't find this thread but I know it's there in a thread where someone asked how you met your significant other. On a creative writing website is the short answer.
4. What do I do for a living and what was my last job?...
5. What childhood accident did I suffer?... #4 on my list:
6. What does Rusty do for a living?... This one is a little unfair because it's in the Bomb Shelter. If you are a contributor, it's here: and if you're not a contributor, you should be.
7. Which one of these nieces or nephews am I a Godmother of?... I'm actually Godmother to two, so you had a good chance of getting it right. DJ and Jack. There are tons of threads with the answer in them, this is one of them:
8. Besides gardening, what's my second most favorite hobby? Since only one person got this wrong and it's painfully obvious what the answer is, I won't bother searching.
9. What was the first message board was I a member of? another thread I can't find about how I found my way to OTC. HWC, JJR512, Xibase, OTC, gardenweb.
10. What's my favorite tv show that I never miss?