How well do you know me (Idlechild)?

Time consuming!!!

Tonks-take 2 - 52
Paul - 60
PT - 36
Chcr - 60
Freako - 44

Keep'em coming...I'm bored at work :)
I only tried the ones I thought I had a chance at. Mostly, I had no chance. Some of this stuff is hard.

BCD 44
MrBish 40
Inky 46 (I thought I'd do much better than that!)
PT 35
chcr 60 (what?! how the hell did that happen?)
freako 11
Answers to mine:

1. How many languages do I speak? 7
2. What do I fear most? Spiders
3. Where will I be moving to later this year? The UK
4. I spend most of my money on: Shoes
5. My religious orientation can best be described as: Universal Unitarianism
6. How many siblings do I have? 3
7. My favourite food is" Moroccan
8. My political views are: Liberal
9. My favourite colour is: Gold
10. What is my middle name? Susan