How would you spend.....

Aunty Em said:
unclehobart said:
I'd probably go and slip into a suit. They always put the deceased into suits just before they get interned .. I might as well go out looking sharp like everyone else in a casket.

There won't be any casket, if you get caught in the blast it's instant vaporisation. But I guess looking sharp is cool. :eek:
My house would be a casket :D
unclehobart said:
My house would be a casket :D

With the shockwave from the blast there won't be a house either if your close enough to the epicentre! Have you never seen a simulation of an atomic blast? :(
freako104 said:
anyone in a bomb shelter

Only if it's deep enough underground because of the shockwave through the ground as well - unless it's an airburst of course where the fireball doesn't touch the ground - which depends on the size of the bomb - for 1 megaton I believe the it's below 600 metres. The shockwave will be less and the fallout minimal as it's the dust being scooped up and being thrown high into the atmosphere that causes the fallout . Then it's at the mercy of the prevailing weather patterns, which is where we came in. :(

Full of doom and gloom ain't I? :)
fury said:
Post at XiBase or OTC :headbang:

But what would you post???

fury during apocolypse said:
"AFK Nuclear war"?

I think I'd end up just spending the time trying to think of what to do with the remaining time. Or end up heading over to the North west of Scotland which Aunty Em seems to reckon stands a chance of survival.
Seeing as how there are missle silos about 75 miles west of me, and a major city 75 miles east of me, I don't think I'd have a chance in hell of running. So, still just sex.
I would be in the center of a good 8-10 nuke cluster because of the nearby airbase and Lockheed factory as well as several smaller yet important facilities. I and my house would probably be reduced to spent subatomic particles.