Hows everyone doin?

im ok.

i need to finish my algebra homework, which is not ok.:mad:

i got another AFI cd yesterday, it's their first one, and i really like it. i now have three of the five. i dont think i'll pursue the many ep's. i cant wait til my despair faction (fanclub) stuff comes !

my mom and i are making me a dress like Alice's, in alice in wonderland. this is for two reasons:
-i'm reciting "jabberwocky" in a coffehouse on friday and it would be cool to dress like her.
-i've wanted my very own alice dress for ever and a day.

it is/has snow(ed/ing). school probably will not be closed tomorrow. i'm hoping for at least 2 hours late.
hanging again/still :sick:

saw a FUCKING AWESOME show last night, they (C.C.R.)were SUPER! :cool:

other than that, same old same old :headbang:
Actually, truth told, every other Sunday eve. is when I go through my "kiddie-withdraws".

I'm a visiting father, an' every other Sunday at 6 PM, I have to give them back to their mother.

The silence of their absense is loud enough durin' the week, but seems to be much louder when their talkin' an' laughter is so quickly removed from my house, after their mom picks 'em up, even though its been 2 yrs., don't know that I will ever get over missin' them the way I always do.

They're so awesome!:)
I do pretty good unless one of those damn high pressure systems
move in. Then my arthritis hurts like hell. I can't even walk.
But I try to do something to keep my spirits up, to keep from
getting to far into a depression.
That's where these forums come in handy.;)
but arent' you at youyr dad's??? :confuse3:

I assumed that when you said you were working with "the family" and "dad getting you a job".

Anyway, now that i know you don't have that 8Mbps connection, i feel sorry :p :D
I'm good ... trying to psyche myself up for this upcoming week. We have a hula production coming up on Sat-Sun, and we have dance practices from 5-11pm every night this week.