Hows everyone doin?

I'm tired. Have to work the 6 to 3 shift this week, so it's out of bed at 4:30 am. 4 fucking 30 AM.
PuterTutor said:
I'm tired. Have to work the 6 to 3 shift this week, so it's out of bed at 4:30 am. 4 fucking 30 AM.

wow....isn't it, like, dark out at that time, or something? :p :p
Fuck yeah it's dark. The sun comes up for me on the way to work. This really bites. The only good thing is I get off at 3 in the afternoon, that is kinda cool. But then I just have to go home and mow the lawn or work on the new flowerbed my wife wants out front, or fix bicycles. I just want to go back to bed now.