Hey cat, have you looked at using a gravity stand to move your water? You could use a solar powered system to pump your head and let gravity do the rest.
Whats the lift from the spigot? What the lift from the pond?
I've got city water, and the spigot would push it, but it'd 'cost'.
Solar, I've looked into, but the prices are still too high.
Wind would be cheap, after building it, but the building is kinda high too atm.
I don't know yet what kind of pressure I've got on the lake drain, but
I'm probably going that way soon, so I'll see.
I know I can get enough pressure for at least one on my spots.
Any kind of pump is going to run into money.
If I had a big bladder/tank, I could shoot compressed air to, that might
be the cheap option, but I don't have a big enough tank.