How's your garden doing?

save your breath. hes a canuck commie. he surrendered his rights to the government years ago and now thinks everyone else should too
Oh, I know that in some countries the government tells the farmer what to plant. I didn't know the story was about a Canadian farmer.

Doesn't the UK do this also? (Not sure.)

Hey, I hear those Canadians pay part of their taxes to the Queen of England (barbaric!). :lol: (I love to rib my Canadian relatives about this. It drives them insane!)
Well it's not like some really big deal, just better in the RW forum I think. I wish I could have a garden but as odd as this is, I have no water spigot outside!

Yeah but that would be work!

I have another excuse too! Around here....


....Bambi will eat everything if you don't take somewhat serious measures to stop it!

Of course then I could shoot Bambi and just eat Bambi! This is sounding better and better all the time!
shoot bambi with what? you seattle-ites arent exactly known for your wilderness skills, and you libs hate guns, so theres two strikes against you before you even start
Well, all wet boy, I usually don't notice your posts, except when I notice it on the front page, what with you being on ignore and all, and being as your commentary is always so vapid and inane. I mean I know second graders that could run intellectual circles around most of your commentary, but anyhow, I digress....

Firstly I am not a liberal, I am just very much not a conservative. Many of my beliefs are very centrist, but two things I absolutely believe in, is affordable or free health care for everyone, and in foreign policy that makes sense, two concepts I am sure you wouldn't be able to understand. Secondly, in the Pacific Northwest, I'd be willing to bet there are more "wilderness and outdoor" types, than in whatever backwater shit hole you live in. I also am not anti gun, I am anti handgun, which you would know if you had bothered to read any of my posts on the matter. Regardless, I hope to go back to forgetting you exist, so perhaps I'll just stop reading the front page.

BTW, Bambi is absolutely yummy if you cook it right!
Oh and I must apologize to everyone for letting myself sink down into the very BS I was complaining about in this forum. I will do my best to restrict it to the RW and to ignore trolls from now on.
all I've got that might take a deer down like it's supposed to be ...
is maybe amy 20ga w/hollowpoint slug, but I'd have to be close.

I need me another 30.06
BTW, Bambi is absolutely yummy if you cook it right!

fuck yeah. But it doesn't hold a charcoal briquette to roast Bullwinkle. I actually know a guy in Quebec city who served at a BBQ ... Rocky and Bullwinkle sandwiches. Got nothing but compliments ... and never told a soul what was in them beyond the name.
you guys up there oughta farm them mooses :D more, to export.
Can't find in here.

I still haven't tried buffalo yet either.
There are moose farms, but them moose are BIG!!. You don't get many to the acre, and they like their space. It's also illegal here to sell hunted meat (they think that'll prevent profit from poaching :rolleyes:)
Well around here rabbits and white tail deer are over populated because there are too few predators left to control the populations. We could use some re-population of the wolves, and I believe some effort is being put toward that.
Well around here rabbits and white tail deer are over populated because there are too few predators left to control the populations. We could use some re-population of the wolves, and I believe some effort is being put toward that.

When they restored the yellowstone wolf population, something really remarkable, but totally unexpected happened ... the fishing got better. Seems without the wolves, the elk took to spending time eating the weeds at the waterside, and drinking (and jsut generally fouling the water) anywhere they pleased. That destroyed the spawning grounds. With the wolves back .... Well, anytime an elk has it's head down it's vunerable. And hanging about water holes is an invitation to lunch. The water cleaned up, and the next hatching was incredible.
The biggest wild predators we have are coyotes, and they are rather smallish. We also have foxes, (very beautiful red ones) but they are smaller still. Lots of raccoons, the occasional possum, bears and very infrequent cougars (the cat, not the milf). We need the wolves back. Call me a sucker but I always shed a tear or two when I read the book or watch the movie based on it by Farley Mowat, "Never Cry Wolf".
There was a cougar causing havok in Banff a few months ago. When I heard it on the news I thought of the human cougar causing havok in Banff and laughed.
Well it's not like some really big deal, just better in the RW forum I think. I wish I could have a garden but as odd as this is, I have no water spigot outside!
That is odd. I was about to ask you if you were sure that there was no water spigot outside your house, but I'm sure you know whether or not there is one. I just find it very odd that a house would be built without one! :eek: