Humanity's biggest flaw.

Flaw: Religion (I define that as the need for a higher authority to blame things on)
Redeeming quality: Altruism (rare indeed, but I've heard rumors that some people have it)
Flaws: Religion, Politics, Money/Greed, Ideal Looks/Media, and Violence.

Qualities: Love, Art (any kind of art), Emotions.

That's what I think anyway. :angel:
chcr said:
Flaw: Religion (I define that as the need for a higher authority to blame things on)

For some reason this is extremely thought provoking. On one hand, I agree, yet strongly disagree.

As for the question, I don't know yet. I have a feeling I won't know for sure until its all over with. :beerbang:
PuterTutor said:
Flaw : Pride. Greed stems from pride. Pride makes us do everything we shouldn't do.

Qualities: Love.
While I agree that pride causes all the other flaws, I'm going to be more specific on this one: hypocrisy. That's the thing that pisses me off, and I think the world would be a lot better if you erradicate hypocrisy, without even changing any other charachteristic
Best quality: compassion
Im gonna do this in reverse order:

Best Quality: Our ability as a species to overcome any obstacle, adapt to any situation and endure

Flaw: Once we have adapted we begin the process of destroying our surroundings all over again
flaws: Green Bay Packers and Reality Television
qualities: Minnesota Vikings and a good book (try Kurt Vonnegut)
Buttcrackdivine said:
Well i find a newborn subjectively the best characteristic of humanity and objectively the closest we get to perfection in humanity.

Why do you limit it to "newborn"s, I would include all children. I have found new life through mine.
Cleveland said:
Why do you limit it to "newborn"s, I would include all children. I have found new life through mine.

Well for me, after 3 years of age, they become annoying hassels and some a boil on the ass.
Way to go MSN spider...

Raven said:
Im gonna do this in reverse order:

Best Quality: Our ability as a species to overcome any obstacle, adapt to any situation and endure

Flaw: Once we have adapted we begin the process of destroying our surroundings all over again

That's it right there. Perfectly stated. No matter how wonderful something we have might be, we always find at least one way to fuck it dead up.
I'll change what I said before.
Flaw: selfishness.

I still think the same about the quality.