Humor: Caption This, Before and After


New Member
Here is how it works:
How was the gentleman in the left photo transformed into the man in the right photo?
Before and After: How did it happen?
Think up a caption or a whole story - whatever you want; make it as ridiculous as possible​

jimeverett said:
Here is how it works:
How was the gentleman in the left photo transformed into the man in the right photo?
Before and After: How did it happen?
Think up a caption or a whole story - whatever you want; make it as ridiculous as possible​


When they said she would get half, I didn't think it would be the top half...
Inkara1 said:
I was a successful businessman... but then I decided to retire.

The fact that you conceived of this and still drew the conclusion that it would be a good idea to put forth and let the world see it scares me somewhat inky. :lloyd:
One day there was a young man named Jack.
Jack worked hard and stabbed the right people in the back.
Jack worked wonders on the salary scale
then one day, his energy paled.
Thinking to add some more oomph and some vigor
Jack got himself a rasor and mirror
and cut some white lines 'cross his shiny reflection
inhaled and went home in anticipation.
Jack's high were too high, and his lows far too low
and the debt in his pockets just started to grow
Then one day some guy, by the name of Guiseppé
said to Jack at his shack, "You owe me, Jéfé!"
I got work for gringos like you.
Stripping cars, be there now or I'll come looking for you.

**it kinda rhymes :)
MrBishop said:
One day there was a young man named Jack.
Jack worked hard and stabbed the right people in the back.
Jack worked wonders on the salary scale
then one day, his energy paled.
Thinking to add some more oomph and some vigor
Jack got himself a rasor and mirror
and cut some white lines 'cross his shiny reflection
inhaled and went home in anticipation.
Jack's high were too high, and his lows far too low
and the debt in his pockets just started to grow
Then one day some guy, by the name of Guiseppé
said to Jack at his shack, "You owe me, Jéfé!"
I got work for gringos like you.
Stripping cars, be there now or I'll come looking for you.

**it kinda rhymes :)

Brilliant, sir, bravo! "Jack" disappears into "Jéfé" :D :D :D
I was really happy with my perfect life, I had everything - a fabulous career, money enough to swim in, and all of the women I could ever have dreamt of.​

Then the alarm went off and I woke up.​
Leslie said:
I was really happy with my perfect life, I had everything - a fabulous career, money enough to swim in, and all of the women I could ever have dreamt of.​

Then the alarm went off and I woke up.​

very nice :)
jimeverett said:
Here is how it works:
How was the gentleman in the left photo transformed into the man in the right photo?
Before and After: How did it happen?
Think up a caption or a whole story - whatever you want; make it as ridiculous as possible​


One of my own:

"I'm stopping at the Jones Brothers garage to pick up the Porsche. I used to know them in high school. What a bunch of losers; all four of them!

They were learning how to fix cars while I was named "Most Likely to Succeed". Now it's twenty years later and they own this crummy garage, and I am a $200,000 a year investment banker. My SOCKS cost more than they make in a day! But they do know engines!

When I dropped off the car they recognized me. They started joking. They said they always resented me back in high school. They told me they would find a way to bring me down off my high horse and turn me from an executive into a grease monkey!

ME! A GREASE MONKEY! In a $2,000 suit, $100 tie, cufflinks and Italian shoes! I asked them how they planned to do it? get this: they said they would steal my wallet and my identity and take my savings and stocks, ruin my credit, steal my car, office keys, my briefcase; then they would take away my suit and tie, and even take the Italian shoes right off my feet; then they would stuff me with junk food, teach me to talk like a Bubba and put me to work as their assistant.

They really put a lot of thought into this crazy joke!

I joked with then too, and told them I would never do menial work. What a bunch of jokers they are! What can you expect? Gotta go - I'm at the garage...."

AFTER: six months later: "They're using my Ferragamo wingtips for a spittoon. Some people wait a long time for revenge..."
Hard work & a little luck made me what I am shoud have seen me two years ago.
HeXp£Øi± said:
The fact that you conceived of this and still drew the conclusion that it would be a good idea to put forth and let the world see it scares me somewhat inky. :lloyd: