i am not very happy


New Member
iäm sorry to post this here, but i have no where else to post it where i think anyone will notice or care.
i am not trying to whine or anything, i just ..

iäm very lonely, and i have no one to talk to.
iäm in austria (excuse typing errors, the keyboards are different) and there are language barriers and i canät sign on to aim or aim express to talk to mz friends and i canät call them and none of them are really the emaily type. and i just need someone to fucking talk to.
i really miss my boyfriend and iäm territorial about him and worried for some stupid paranoid reason that some chick on another message board is trying to steal him and iäm aggravated by my bf's general lack of ... wanting me.. lately. i havenät seen him in a long time and it will be even longer before i do.
this probably makes no sense.
fuck, iäm glad no oneäs around cos iäm fucking crying.
itäs 3:30am here, i have to be up in 3 hours, i csnätr fucking sleep cos my thoughts are keepiung me awake.
i want to call him.
i want to tell him exactöy how i feel about everything.
i hope he cares and listens, tho, cos if he doesnt i donät knoww hat that will do to me.

i am sorry, i just needed to get things out. no one else is accessable or cares or...

i am homesick. i like it here cos itäs pretty, but i hate it here cos iäm lonely.
Ever try MSN, or YIM?
What seems to be the problem with AIM? What error are you getting when you try to sign on?
ashy...see if you can forget about people for a few days and enjoy being with yourself...you have a whole new world in a once in a lifetime chance to see it as a young person, go out and see what there is to see and suck up every minute you got. if they're friends, they'll be there happy to see you when you come back. :hug:
Quit beating yourself up!

Your mind is playing you into this. I am not going to try an tell you don't feel bad, what I am trying to say you're making this happen.

I don't know if you have a Hx of infidelidties behind you. Do you have a logical reason to believe there is a problem or is it just you?

Ask yourself "what is my part in this, am I playing on my feelings for no real reason?"

If a relationship cannot with-stand time apart, then there is a fundimental problem in the realtionship.

Quit being codependant and go have some fun.

I know it would make sad knowing that my wife had a miserable time becuase she thought I playing while she was away.

Change you heart, go takes some pictures and email them home, have some fun. It will make him happy too.
I always wanted to go to Europe to visit places that have been there since before there was an America. Walk around, look around, see some sights. What your feeling is called "culture shock." You don't speak the language, no one does things the way they're done here, etc. It's not in the least uncommon, but if you can get past it (not everyone does) you can have an experience unlike any you will ever have again. Pick up an Austrian phrasebook if you can. I used to get by in Mexico with about twenty phrases.

Edit: I am given to understand that a lot of Austrians speak German as well.
thanks people :) before i got any replies to this my internet time ran out, so i went back up to my room and did something crazy... i called my boyfriend. i am fearing the bill, but i am glad that i did it.
he let me rant about how i felt in general for a bit, and i got a couple of "i love you's" out of him, which are not too common and so are very special to me.
but after i hung up i was still thinking about the flirt on that other board... so ui called him up again. and i asked him if online flirtyness meant anything to him.
"that's just for fun, sweetie", he said. i laughed ina relieved manner and said, " okies, just making sure... i just wanted to hear it from you"
and then we said goodbye and hung up.

i feel a lot better now.

i will try to relax from here on out and just enjoy stuff!

thanks for listening to me, you guys. this night has been really hard for me. *hugggs everyone*
Glad ,your feeling better Ash,but while I've got you here ,Bat in German is "Die Fledermaus" :alienhuh: Bat seems so much easier eh.

If you start feeling lonely ,I've got one word "Vienna Boys Choir" ,make a game of seeing how many of them you can make their voices change:brow:
I loved Britain, Germany & Spain & yes, I even liked France (well, not the smell :rofl2: ) but I came home & kissed the ground. Something about peanut sized homes & shared bathrooms (WC's) & roads that bicycles have a hard time passing on.

Enjoy, learn, experience Europe. Come home. Be happy.
relax and have fun, make the oppertunity a great experince and memorey.

Write him everyday, something short as 1-2-3 paragraph about what you did or what you felt. Share yourself from there, don't expect a reply, give of yourself.

Things will be OK, they always are.

[edit] never made over the pond yet myself.
Gonz said:
Enjoy, learn, experience Europe. Come home. Be happy.

Ehh...only if it was that easy but ironically as useless as that advice sounds, when one does come around and conquer their problems they realize that, that advice was theb est advice you can give to anyone. Ofcourse at the moment of weakness and confusion the difference between two people lie in the fact: who can take the advice and who can only hear the advice.

Ash, take the advice.
As others have said, you're doing something that some people can only dream of doing. Make sure you don't fuck it up by being a sad sack the whole time. And take the time now, to get in touch with your inner spleen, and enjoy life!
Ash, my first trip to Germany, in 1987, was marked by 3 nights of total sleeplessness. Turns out that you're about 6 hours ahead of what your body is used to. Once you start getting fatigued, your mind plays tricks on you. Just relax, crack open an 1878, or a Kutcher Alt, and enjoy the flavor of a good German beer. You'll thank yourself for it.
being in a foreign country is always a bit ackward...and it always takes some time to get used to. just realize you're in a different environment where things are different compared to back home. you can either find that frightening (and not enjoy any time you spend) or you can find it a worthwhile experience :)
language barriers aren't as bad as they may seem in the beginning. just use handsignals and expressions...you have no idea how far you can get with those ;)

just open up, and suck in all the impressions and experiences...and have a good time. home will be there when you come back, these few weeks won't :)
language barriers are easily solved with the well tested british (nee english) in europe technique. shout very slowly in english until you get what you want. ;)

or for the full technique follow it up by drinking too much lager, destroy three cafe's, two bars and a taxi and call it 'footballing exuberance'. :D
Yeah, what they said! :D

Relax and have fun, Ash - enjoy the experience of being where you are. You can deal with the home stuff after you get home. :cool: