I am to blame


molṑn labé
Staff member
It seems the only place for conversation these days is the RW forum. According to a few of our newbies & many of our oldsters, I am the main contributing reason to the collapse of the western hemisphere. If it weren't for me, all would be well. All manner of things would be well. Usama wouln't have attacked, saddam would have quit & AIDS would disappear if I would only quit my hate inspired world view & we could all just get along.

Why aren't I allowed my opinion? Because it differs from yours? Because I'm not afraid to say what so many think? Sometimes it's ugly. Sometimes it makes you cringe. Almost always, it makes you think.

Off Topic Central said:
Lunatic Lounge-Who said you need a specific topic to be a good forum?

Bomb Shelter -Gather here to have hot orgies, among other things. But you have to be a contributor, moderator, or administrator.

Science and Technology-Why is any object we don't understand always called a "thing"?

Online Gaming-Are you tough enough to rule an empire? Or are you just another peon begging for chump change?

Entertainment-What's your favorite scary movie? How about them... umm... [insert excessively paid baseball team here]?

Love & Lifestyles-So, what's up with you?

Creative Arts and Design-Speak your mind in the Lunatic Lounge. Draw it, or write a story about it, or make some music about it here.

The Lobby
Town Hall
Kiddie Korner

The Real World=Politics and News of the Day. It does get ugly. Don't say you weren't warned. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Not one says you are forced to enter, read or reply. 11 other forums.

Quit complaining. If I can't have an opinion neither can you.
Its not the statement of opinions, or the occasional heatedness of them. That's debate for you. I like debate...even heated ones, but I can't abide the constant personal attacks that creep into these otherwise intelligent debates.

When the argument goes from attacking the stupidity of a point of view to attacking the person who posted them...it's no longer a debate at all, but character assasination and that's not what the RW and OTC should be about.

Blame yourself if you like, I don't blame you at all, except that...as an Admin, you should take it upon yourself to enforce the "no personal attacks" rule for the RW. They're hard decisions to make...but they are the strength behind OTC.
Gonz has actually only crossed that line once that I remember. I've seen copious amounts of it from others. Some of them even complain about it.

Let's face it people, it takes two to tango ( or to argue, or to fight). There's plenty enough blame to go around in here, but everybody seems to be quite ready to ride Gonz's ass, and his ass alone.
HomeLAN said:
Gonz has actually only crossed that line once that I remember. I've seen copious amounts of it from others. Some of them even complain about it.

Let's face it people, it takes two to tango ( or to argue, or to fight). There's plenty enough blame to go around in here, but everybody seems to be quite ready to ride Gonz's ass, and his ass alone.

You misunderstood...I'm not saying that Gonz is attacking someone personally. I know that it's not his style and I respect him for that. I also know that he spends a lot of time in the RW and sees some of these infractions happening. To see a rule broken and NOT do anything about it...that's another story. :shrug:
where the fuck is Gonz breaking rules?

I don't see it...noone's reported it to me...?

C'mon, lets go. Where is it?
Is Gonz to blame? No.

Members (and that means anyone who posts, from the plebs to the admins) decide the nature of the threads. On a different message board I've recently seen their most prolific poster forced out because people didn't like the atmosphere he was creating in the place.

Gonz and others have a particular posting style, a lot of people don't like it. Fine.

I have a particular posting style and a lot of people don't like it as well. That's fine too.

I've seen the atmosphere of the RW forum change a helluva lot since I first joined here a year or so ago. Personally, I don't like that atmosphere, so I rarely venture here......others, obviously do. There is a core group of posters who only frequent this forum and a large number of members who won't touch the forum with a ten foot bargepole (which I find very worrying to be honest, how can one forum be so bad that most members won't even look at it? tis sad).

Unfortunately, a lot of members have found the atmosphere so abrasive that they have either....bitched about it......left......or bitched about it and then left.

It's up to members to make a forum what they want it to be ...... if they feel it is worth sticking around and making the effort of course.

I use the internet and message boards such as this, for fun......this place ain't fun anymore....I can live with that, plenty places that are fun out there. It's just a shame to see so many people who used to be fun moving away from OTC as well.
I don't have a problem with Gonz generally. :shrug: What I do have a problem with is that there appears to be no policing done to come down on those who are maligning characters instead of debating, and I'm not just talking about Winky and Research Monkey here.
Leslie said:
where the fuck is Gonz breaking rules?

I don't see it...noone's reported it to me...?

C'mon, lets go. Where is it?

Where the fuck did I say that Gonz was breaking rules? What I said was "To see a rule broken and NOT do anything about it...that's another story."

If..let's say...MrX attacks someone personally, (calls him or her a fuckwit, and imbecile or a natzi-bitch) Gonz reads it and doesn't moderate it...that's the other story.
BeardofPants said:
I don't have a problem with Gonz generally. :shrug: What I do have a problem with is that there appears to be no policing done to come down on those who are maligning characters instead of debating, and I'm not just talking about Winky and Research Monkey here.
MrBishop said:
Where the fuck did I say that Gonz was breaking rules? What I said was "To see a rule broken and NOT do anything about it...that's another story."

If..let's say...MrX attacks someone personally, (calls him or her a fuckwit, and imbecile or a natzi-bitch) Gonz reads it and doesn't moderate it...that's the other story.


As I read it, she's the one who just called me a nazi. But you don't see me whining about it.
BeardofPants said:
What I do have a problem with is that there appears to be no policing done to come down on those who are maligning characters instead of debating, and I'm not just talking about Winky and Research Monkey here.

Been guilty of it meself.......

I don't like it either.....but it's accepted here, wot can yer do? :shrug:
This is the true story of 912 strangers, who picked to post in an forum, to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.

The Real World.

It had to happen sometime.

I'd thought since my last little tantrum things had gone on swimmingly. WHERE are these personal attacks?

wtf? link to one! try *gasp* reporting one!
christ almighty!!!
I musta missed something somewhere . . . this is one of the most civil and friendly boards I visit. There are others where the discussion is much more intense (without bickering or character assassinations) and you had better have your facts straight and be prepared to cite them and back up your statements or they will rip you to shreds unmercifully (in the nicest way possible).

If you don't wanna get wet, don't jump into the pool. ;)
BoP, I have been quite civil.

I have been the direct target of many unkind phrases, labels and have my integrity slammed for no reason.
I was asked to cool-it once, I have respected that request. I do say things that make people uneasy. I am the king of negitive Karma points for too.

Gonz, it aint you man.

Its the current polorization of the world today. (I won't say who has been pushing the limits, but they have indeed been pushed to new limits)
MrBishop said:
I like debate...even heated ones, but I can't abide the constant personal attacks that creep into these otherwise intelligent debates.
NO personal attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Leslie
Leslie said:
where the fuck is Gonz breaking rules?

I don't see it...noone's reported it to me...?

C'mon, lets go. Where is it?

He is not toeing the Liberal line.

shame on you Gonz!!!

@ least they bitch about you!
they all just ignore me Boo Hoo

I'm going to disconnect my Internet!