i better get to the store


Well-Known Member
Sunday: Snow, mainly in the morning. Total snow accumulation of 20 to 30 inches. Strong winds with highs around 20. north Winds 40 to 50 mph, decreasing to 30 to 40 mph in the afternoon.
hoping that is a serious typo. if it isnt, it better start soon. we're going to Vegas on monday.
We're in for 20cm, I thought that was bad, but 30 inches in one go?!

You'd better either get out of town or go to the store cause you're gonna be snowed in bigtime.
Apparently God isn't a football fan as (whatever pronoun floats your innertube) is swamping out both staduims with a helluva lot of bad weather.

Does beer sell well in 10 degree weather? I figure you could make a killing in hot coffee.

You wont need to go to Vegas. It seems that youre taking a helluva gamble in just hanging out this weekend.
been downgraded. only expecting 15-25 inches now :retard:
last radar, it looked like it was going to be right on time. 5-ish

good thing the flight doesnt leave till late monday. have a good 24 hours to dig out.

there were quite a few people stocking up on alcohol. looked like mostly the hard stuff. i was hanging around the store for awhile. was curious.
Tell me, why is it that the minute people hear snow, they run to the supermarket to get milk, eggs and bread? :laugh: I was picking up some film from a strip of stores that had a supermarket in it and it was pandemonium, the traffic was unbelievable.

Just checked weather.com and had an "eek!" moment:

Errrr.... Freeport is North of me. I'm four blocks from the ocean. And my second thought was that I should grab my camera and walk to the beach to see what's goin on. :D

We're only expecting 14 to 21 inches. Both my sisters and brother in laws left for a ski lodge in Vermont this morning with my 7 nieces and nephews. Ironically, although it's 19 degrees colder there than it is here right now, they're only getting 3-6 inches.

Spot, I assume you'll be on the phone, checking with the airlines on Sunday night and Monday morning to make sure your plane is going to be leaving at all. Good luck man. Don't hurt your back shoveling.
Tell me, why is it that the minute people hear snow, they run to the supermarket to get milk, eggs and bread?
i never understood that either.
i had to get a couple of things for monday. had a couple of small projects i had to get stuff for too. gonna be busy shoveling later.

if you do get any pics, i'd love to see them.
*gets up to look out the window*

*considers that the snow seems to be blowing from every direction at once*
*considers it's 15 degrees*
*considers the lack of waterproof boots*
*decides to post some pictures of the last blizzard*


Good thinking, Greenie! The last blizzard around here was almost two years ago, and it wasn't nearly as cold as it is today.

Think I'll hone in on the photo action. These are a few of mine from that last storm:





Can you believe that last dude? :alienhuh:
Having never experienced a "real" snowstorm, firsthand, I believe I have a good excuse for the pre-snowfall shopping run.

In 1978 my wifes family were going about their business. A nasty snowstorm came along. They had to leave the front room of the house because the ice was getting thick on the inside walls. A couple of days later, the snow stopped. They tunneled out to the street. They didn't (read couldn't) leave home for several days because there was so much snow.

Beverly R., formerly of Allen County, Indiana
I tell my daughter (who is 10) about this blizzard and she looks at me like I am insane!! She says there in NO WAY snow drifts covered our 2nd story windows. On the last trip to Grandma's, I showed her those pictures -- she was amazed. We lived on Bethel Road, right across the road from the "old" Carroll High School. Our house faced west and that is were the wind was coming from, right across the empty corn fields. I was a freshman in college and I remember going to bed the night before and the news saying snow. Both my Mother and Father tried to get out of the garage to go to work the next morning. They gave up after 2 1/2 hours of continuous shoveling. After 2 days of being stuck in the house, the winds finally died down enough for us to attempt to dig out. All the neighbors came out to help each other. We all got our driveways cleared but the snow plows didn't come to the main road for almost 2 weeks. The local
University were I attended was shut down for about 2 weeks also -- which is unheard of. If it wasn't for our neighbors pitching in their snowmobiles, we would not had milk, bread or toilet paper!! After the plows finally dug out a one lane path on the main road, it looked like and felt like you were driving through a tunnel. If I remember correctly, we still had snow piles around until April of that year. I know I will never see snow like that again (nor do I want to) since I now live in the South.

Blizzard of 78

1978 -- The Great Blizzard of '78 began. At South Bend 35 inches of snow fell by the 29th. Winds gusted to 35mph on the 26th with temperatures in the 20s and over 15 inches of snow falling that day. In Fort Wayne ten inches of snow fell from the 25th into the 26th. On the 26th temperatures fell to 4° while winds howled up to 55mph bringing wind chills to -60°.
We are not expecting any snow. :shrug: I am sure that the mountains should be though. It's been pretty spring like with just a bit of a chill here lately.
LOVE the snow pictures! Boo, that first picture is stunning. My god, can you imagine digging your store out of that?! Yikes.

Rusty just called, he and his father are stuck on the Belt Parkway, heading towards me. He went in to Brooklyn (Sheepshead Bay) to help him with a computer problem. They're so close to the exit, but of course the area around Kennedy is a nightmare.

Gonz, that's some scary stuff. I almost had a second story snow-in a few years ago. Back in '95 or '96, we had a big storm, then another one right behind it. I think we had two feet of snow in two days. I was renting a second story apt and when I tried to leave the house, I couldn't. All the doors opened out and the snowdrifts were deep. I actually jumped off the roof of the garage into the snow. I had so much fun, I did it again after I had shoveled a path to the door. :D
In the downtown areas... do they scoop up the snow at all... or just cram it to the sides? Where do they dump it? I figure all of the salt would be a wee bit much for fresh water areas.

usually what the city looks like after a big storm.
and god help anyone foolish enough to move that chair and attempt to park their car.
In NYC, they mostly push it to the sides, covering all vehicles that have the misfortune to be parked there. When it gets really bad, they attempt to scoop some of it up and dump it elsewhere, often directly into the river. During blizzards, you'll see great mountains of snow on the edges of city blocks. We used to sled off them as kids. Always a lot of fun. :cool:

Just found this photo from the Department of Sanitation. Imagine shovelling this?