i better get to the store

Here are some more of mine from the Blizzard of 2003 (just in case you can't get enough snow shots). They're from Central Park and environs:






cab hidden by snow bank near trump plaza.jpg
lol great shots. We usually put our garbage cans in the parking spots to deter people from parking there.

I just went out to shovel the walkway down to the street and the driveway behind my car. The snow is really light to shovel so far. I'm pretty glad that I had the flu a month ago, or else my inhaler would have been empty right now which would be a BIG problem. *wheeze wheeze*

The first plow just went by. I'm surprised. My city is really terrible about plowing and salting.
Boo, looks like you got your wish; snow in Central Park! So when are you heading down there with your new camera?? It's supposed to stop by tomorrow afternoon, you should still have some daylight to shoot. I bet the castle looks really great in the snow. ;)

I really like your pics from last year, especially the avenue with the trees. That's great. Is that bow bridge in the fourth pic?
Thanks, Greenie! :cool:

That's actually Gapstow Bridge, over the southernmost pond in the park. That's the one I walked around nearly every day for four months. Love that area.

My friend wanted to do the Central Park photography thing this weekend with me, but it looks likes she's going to have to do it alone. I've got tons of studying to do (so does she, actually :alienhuh: ) and I don't relish getting sick again by being out in that bitter cold. We've got class at 1:30 tomorrow. Maybe, if there's still some daylight, we'll go afterwards.
Ok, my next door neighbor just fired up the snowblower. Last year, he did my whole sidewalk (corner lot) and the walkway leading up to my door.

I've gotten more friendly with his wife this past year and when I found out she had broken her leg last spring, I cut her favorite tulips from my garden and brought her a bouquet.

Think he's gonna do my sidewalk and walkway again?? :)
Hey New Yorkers. Cancel the union contract. A million an inch is bad management.

If 20 inches of snow fell in New York, the cost of cleanup could hit $20 million, but Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that was a problem for another day.
Gonz said:
Hey New Yorkers. Cancel the union contract. A million an inch is bad management.
The big unit is getting a kajillion million to pitch for NYC; and at a most likely modest 7 inches, is certainly getting more than a million per.
I seriously doubt Mayor Bloomberg has the needed control to justify $20.M
I took a nap after my last post and then dreamed that it snowed here and I had to come post here about it. I also dreamed that they moved the hospital to a hotel and that is where I had the baby.

Anyway, here are some pics from the 2003 blizzard here. This is at my friend's house and it was I think two days afte rit quit snowing.


Gonz said:
Hey New Yorkers. Cancel the union contract. A million an inch is bad management.
My Dad, brother and both brother in laws are in the same union. I know their downfalls and I know their advantages. :D

Lissa, my GOD. I've never seen anything that compares to that. Wow. Got any more?
...and yes, my neighbor cleared my entire sidewalk, driveway and walkway with his snowblower. It pays to be nice to your neighbors. I must bake them some cookies or something tomorrow.
Spot said:

reminds me of '78
No shit. 78 was suck hell down here as well. 76 wasn't much better. The ice storms in 73 killed power for over 8 days. The last over the top storm I can remember was jan 88. Everything else past that was at best a 3 day snarlfest.
It's no wonder people have been flooding here en masse
for four decades the only inclement weather we have here is er um "Sunshine"!

I wish I had my camera out tonight, it's kinda funny seeing stuff like sideways facing tourbusses on offramps. :D

I gotta look up how much it costs Chicago for winter storms, ID(i)OT runs a 'snow command' around here and the salt trucks were probably going full force before the snow even started to fall. The major roads get plowed usually pretty good, but parking lots and alleys are messy. I don't wanna have to push the car to get it in the parking spot again.
No snow here, in fact I have just come home from spending the day swimming at the river in the middle of this heat wave we seem to be experiencing here. I would gladly trade a little heat for some of your cooler weather.
I think you do not know that what you wish for. -20 and below is just plain COLD. Our windchills here today were in the -40 range.

I heard a rumour that it's goin to -2 by Tuesday though :dance:
staffrodore said:
No snow here, in fact I have just come home from spending the day swimming at the river in the middle of this heat wave we seem to be experiencing here. I would gladly trade a little heat for some of your cooler weather.

Ugh, tell me about it. I felt like I was melting today in the heat. I was standing right in FRONT of the fan, and damn if it didn't even feel like it was going. :crying4: