I dont know how you did it....


New Member
Well, somehow you guys got your hands on vb3. Lucky bastards....;)

Anyway, I was thinking....how about a second theme?
What they said. About vb3, and this ain't it. I'm not sure about the me being a hax0r part. :beerbang:

Hector said:
how about a second theme?
I'm always up for suggestions, as long as they're really good ones. :beerbang:
Thanks, I think so too! :beerbang:

One of these days I'll jot down all the extra features I put in there... take up a whole notebook but what the hell, i'm gonna have to do them all over again come vb3... :eek:
i love installing hacks, completely forgetting which i've installed -- updating to the latest version.. and then having to remember and find all the little things i'd done previously.

done that several times now. ;)
Installing hacks is one thing. Writing hacks is fury's specialty.

Oh, and :beerbang:
AJ said:
i love installing hacks, completely forgetting which i've installed -- updating to the latest version.. and then having to remember and find all the little things i'd done previously.

done that several times now.
I don't think I could count high enough to say how many times I've changed a piece of code... whether it be to optimize it, add a feature, or fix something I've broken... Beyond Compare thinks some of the files are complete opposites!
AJ said:
i love installing hacks, completely forgetting which i've installed -- updating to the latest version.. and then having to remember and find all the little things i'd done previously.

done that several times now.

I've done that a few times. I go in to put this hack in, then find out I've already installed it!:rolleyes: