"I don't want to have to kill this man, but I'll kill him graveyard dead"


Well-Known Member
You go, girl!

I’d call it a palate cleanser except that it’s too riveting and simply … too sad for that. Not only is this poor woman put through the wringer, it sounds like the guy breaking in was out of his gourd: They didn’t know each other, yet he was screaming threats and resorted to throwing patio furniture through the back door to get in.

Reportedly, when the cops found his sister to let her know, she was so high she was nearly unconscious, so that’s the theory for his behavior at the moment. No word yet on what he was on.

I hope the NYPD would have been as supportive as the dispatcher is at the end here, but New York ain’t Oklahoma, needless to say. Exit quotation from the sheriff: “This was nothing more than a home invasion and Mrs. Jackson was defending herself.”
CUSHING — For 10 minutes and 20 seconds, Donna Jackson remained calm as she stood in the dark pleading for help and repeatedly telling emergency dispatchers that she did not want to shoot the "crazy,” "drunk sounding” man who was yelling and determined to get inside her house early Friday.

But when he threw a table through her sliding glass patio door, the 56-year-old woman — who was home alone — couldn’t wait for deputies any longer.

There is a loud crash on the 911 tape.

The phone drops, and there’s a single shot from a 16-gauge shotgun.

Only then, does the woman who has been so calm throughout the ordeal begin to fall apart.

"I shot. I shot,” Jackson tells the dispatcher frantically. "I’m going out front. I hit him. Oh God, help me! I dropped the phone. ... Oh please, dear God, I think I’ve killed him.”

Read more: http://newsok.com/homeowner-shoots-kills-intruder-in-lincoln-county/article/3422809#ixzz0Z4bK6SR1

Good thing she was in a Red state!

16 gauge is an odd size for a shotgun.
Re: Comeuppance

Good thing she was in a Red state!

16 gauge is an odd size for a shotgun.

A lot of women use 16 ga as their skeet/trap/hunting arm as the recoil is far less than a 12 ga. The loads are smaller and the number of shot in a cartridge is less. It is also used by smaller men or those who want to increase their challenge at the skeet/trap range or hunting.

Many Olympic shooters use 16 ga as well. Lighter, easier to swing, lighter recoil.
die sucka die

I say that because my Mom had a double barrel
16 gauge trap and skeet shotgun that she won
in the late 50’s while she was in Alaska in
a shooting competition sponsored by Budweiser

I shot the dickens outta that thing as a kid.
Even my Kid shot it quite a few times.
We had a 'blast' loosein' off both barrels at once.

So perhaps there is a story behind that gun and just mebbe
that old girl knew how to use it.

No wait sure as shootin' she knew how to use it
that piece of shit is dead right?

We sure nuff ain’t never gonna see no coverage
on this story by the drive by media
now are we home dawgies?
But what has the sheriff puzzled is why the intruder was so determined to break into Jackson’s rather fortified home, marked by a locked gate and "Beware of the dog” signs.

Mangion said his deputies found Riley’s pickup just down the secluded rural road, and it appeared the vehicle had left the roadway and run into a ditch.

Sounds like she lived in a rural area in the county.
Sounds like the guy got into a DUI accident and was trying to get help from the first place he found..and got shot for his troubles. Lovely.
I heard it...(pretty stupid of them NOT to edit out her address and other personal details).
Someone at the door trying to get the attention of the owner.
No answer, so he tries to break in. (Maybe to get access to a phone and call 9-1-1 for the accident)
Shot dead.

No attempt to find out why he's there, what he wants or even what he's saying. No attempt to even scare him off. "I've got a gun! I've called the police! Leave or I will shoot!"

She'll probably get off for it too.
The guy got through a locked gate, disregarded the barking dog, walked around the house screaming and yelling, trying to find a way in, banging on the back and front doors, and finally threw a chair through the door.


Somewhere in that call the dispatcher told the woman "you have to protect yourself" and "County 13 is advising that you can defend your property if you need to."

Throughout the call the woman repeatedly said she didn't want to kill him, and displayed remorse after she fired. She had no idea why he was there or why he was trying to break into her home, had reason to fear that her life was in danger because of his behavior, and was within her right to shoot first and ask questions later.

Moral of the story: don't break into a person's home or you may end up graveyard dead.
If your were in a car crash and needed an ambulance for an injured 'spouse' - what would you do?

Find a way to call an ambulance. Look there's a house..maybe someone's home..I can use their phone! (bang on doors) Wake up!! (bang on more doors - maybe they didn't hear me) Someone call an ambulance!
one thing is for sure...
he won't be dui, hurting or possibly killing someone else driving, terrorizing old people,
destroying property, or braking and entering anymore.

bye bye poor soul
breaking down the front door = shoot the motherfucker. quit reaching for straws bish.

the police? wait for the police? WHAT? is the police response time in montreal less than 60 seconds or something? lemme show you around detroit sometime...