I drank my ass off last night...


Well-Known Member
We had a party for two ex-workmates who are getting married(both were already compromised once). I saw all my ex-coworkers , talked(sp?), danced, a had fun. But I also "overdrank" beer. Man I feel like shit! :retard: I think I entered self-destructive mode. I'm starting to notice that standing close to the woman I like puts me down. I'm emotional and physically bad today. I used to enjoy spend times with this chick, but now she shows indifference in certain aspects and that's making me sick :sick: Oh my, time for a cleanup in feelings again. If only I could stop thinking about that now...
Sorry just venting...
I'm better now. Eaten a lot of sweet and liquids. But I can recover the problem I've only slept 2 hours this night :yawn3: LL the beer tasted good, otherwise I wouldn't have drank so much. What made things worse, was that I didn't eat much while drinking. I still think it was worth it yes. I drank to the point of not controlling myself properly and I said some things I didn't want to say(I rarely get to this point). On a second thought by now, I think it was good to have said them :)
AlladinSane said:
I'm better now. Eaten a lot of sweet and liquids. But I can recover the problem I've only slept 2 hours this night :yawn3: LL the beer tasted good, otherwise I wouldn't have drank so much. What made things worse, was that I didn't eat much while drinking. I still think it was worth it yes. I drank to the point of not controlling myself properly and I said some things I didn't want to say(I rarely get to this point). On a second thought by now, I think it was good to have said them :)
:hug: :kiss:
I told ya Jonas, you ever need a real hug, you come see me. I give really good hug. :D

I'm sorry I haven't been on MSN as of late... my computer is still down, has been for weeks. If you want, you can still email me at work... :cool:

...oh almost forgot... :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Noite, I am usually on a lot, I've disappeared a bit in the last couple weeks, but I should be getting back on shortly :)

Unc, :hug:
No big prob. It's been some time I'm wishing to chat with you. :)
Trish: I'm sure you would love my hugs aswell. If only I could travel there I'm sure we would spend some long time hugging. That's until Rusty throws water at us! :D
Not much going on thru my life to justify an e-mail. I'm just having a bad day. Did you read the one I sent to your Hotmail account? :kiss: back at you!
aaaaah....i did to. ***Cough- Relapse- cough*** Five bottles of champaign *COUGH**. (GF is gonna hate me now)
I haven't checked hotmail in weeks because of the computer thing. I wonder if I can get to that email account from work? They block everything else, they probably block that too.

Hex, why would I hate you for drinking champaigne? Now, if you were using drugs, then I would hate you. But not for getting a little tipsy. :D

Just make sure you guys call me next time you're planning on drinking so much, I'll be sure to take advantage of you in your vulnerable state. :cocktail:
Noite: Girls are like that, the more interest you show, the more they test you. Just tell her to fuck off and watch how she changes.

I remember a signature of gf, the on that said you can not love somebody that kisses your ass, because you have no respect for such people.
:laugh: @ Hex

There's a fine line between not kissing someone's ass and being an asshole to them. Luis, what you're describing is playing games with women and although many women would respond to that, I don't think they're the kinds of women that Jonas would want to build a long term relationship with. The real challenge is finding the middle ground. I don't like aloof men who think they're God's gift but I also don't like men who are too needy and clingy. That could have something to do with my need to be independant in addition to being part of a relationship but I think most mature women would say the same.

About my quote... I think "you can't respect someone who kisses your ass" can apply to friendships as well. My best friend has no problem telling me I'm wrong when I'm being unreasonable. But if she just agreed with me every time I expressed my opinion, we probably wouldn't be friends right now. Sometimes you need to be put in your place by someone who loves you. :D

Oh and Jonas, I finally was able to log in and check my hotmail inbox. I'll send you an email back today. :)