I feel sick...

i saw them for the first time last week in a king-sized bag of mnm's.

but then i avoid peanut mnm's because i can get through a couple of family bags a day :D :D
*feels special because there is a list of stuff just for her*

We might have purples M&Ms here, I dunno....I haven't had M&Ms in awhile....I will check and let you know Shadow so that you don't have to bring any if we have them here *happy that she has an excuse to buy chocolate* *thinks that since she has been on holidays it doesn't matter if there is an excuse because she is spoling herself*

brainsoft told me that I will lose all kinds of weight on my diet (which I plan to start again when I get home :blush:) and then when you come with all the chocolate and goodies for me I will turn into a blimp! :eek:

I think I will get more than enough exercise to neutralize the chocolate! :D