I figured it out

I guess none of us quasi-adults remember what it was like. flurff doesn't have our frame of reference, to him it is as bad as he makes it out to be. He'll learn better, but harping at him will teach him nothing. Remember, I'm the one who thinks we need to bring back public flogging, but sometimes people need support more than a whipping. Christ, lighten up! You were young once too (I assume). I used to think pretty much everyone here liked flurff, now I'm not so sure.
life could be a bitch, life can also be great, remember, we all have ups and downs, is no big deal once you learn that life is not all pink stuff.

Just relax, do the things you need to do (if you don't know what are those, trust your inner voice), you'll be better.
i assume you've never heard the colloquialism in spanish, but "la vie en rose" might sound familiar ;)
oooohhhh, that sucks. I have a rider, but I'm an old man with two acres to cut. just stopped to have a cold drink, then back to it. :bs:
It's better than the push mower we used to have. Woulda took me 3x as long because I'd have to keep coming in to take a rest.

Finished about an hour and a half ago, came in and took a nice refreshing cold shower, and i'm just now no longer sweating like a pig. :beerbang:

I do all the up close work with a push mower, but not today. Whew, I'm beat already, but I have a section to go yet.
If there's any up close work that needs immediate attention, it's done around here with bare hands... we used to have a weed whacker but not anymore. At least I don't think so. It might be laying under some junk in the garage like the snow shovel that I didn't think we had was...
flurffmeister said:
At least I don't think so. It might be laying under some junk in the garage like the snow shovel that I didn't think we had was
So. I'm not the only one with a garage like that. You know, I read somewhere that once people used to keep cars in their garages. :confuse3: They must have had much larger garages back then. Actually, I know just where my weed wacker is. It has interchangeable heads, so I use it for other stuff too. :yell:
Well, when you don't have much room left inside the house itself, you tend to throw stuff out in the garage. Besides, it's now more of an inconvenience to keep the car in the garage now that the auto door doesn't work anymore.
god might hate you but we still think your cool mate. cant you get the door repaired for your garage?
God hates me... he wants to see me miserable, so he throws everything at me all at once to see how badly I crack under all the pressure. Same with everyone else... I get it now... we were not put on this earth for a reason, unless you consider sadistic entertainment for God a reason... he wants to see his people suffer... that's why he's creating all this disaster and ruining everyone's lives.

You know before a catterpiller changes into a butterfly it actually breaks down into a disgusting liquid ooz before it can be metamorphisized into its superior form.
Sometimes god must break us down before he can build us up. After all if everything was perfect would you even consider god? I think not. But when times are tough many will ask for his assistance.