i got a late christmas present


New Member
some of you may recall the 'what are you asking santa for?' thread from last month.

there i simply siad that

i want a job

having been told that i was going be released from my current temp job just before christmas. it sucked, and i think i might have mentioned that too ;)

i heard last week from a company i had an interview with 6 weeks back and they have made me an offer of permanent employment. it's in bath [about 60miles from cardiff] and with a very nice architects firm.
only cruncher is they want me to start on the 3rd feb, meaning the wife and i will be in panic mode for a while.

2003, head gaskets excluded, is going ok so far.

and many thanks to everyone here who has been supportive of my looking for stuff, especially les, greenie and martin. at times i've felt pretty bleak about it all and you have all made sure i've not given up.

thanks :)
Congrats Ris, now you are going to have to fill us in on all the cool buildings you are working on, ok?
i know you wanted a permanent job so bad..... and this is just great. Congrats :headbang:
Congratulations Ris. One of my best rl friends has recently been made redundant. He got informed at the beginning of a week that they might have to axe his department and this was confirmed at the end of the same week. He and his partner had both just bought cars, a new TV. This happened just before Christmas and he hasn't found anything yet since there is a bit of a downturn in the IT job market in the UK just now. So ~£800 of direct debits a month is really starting to worry him.

Anyway way to go with the full time job :headbang:
i hope your friend can find something soon, it took me a while but i was being a picky bastit for 7months :)
ris said:
i hope your friend can find something soon, it took me a while but i was being a picky bastit for 7months :)

Nice to have that luxury, one of his other friends runs a bar and offered him a temp job there but he really needs to get a career related job. What was even worse was he had a second interview with a company Logica who said they would contact him after Christmas. They merged at the beginning of the year with another company so after that couldn't actually take someone on. So basically they said "If we still had the position, we would have offered it to you". On the upside they will be keeping him on file so that he will be called if anything comes up.

I don't think he is fussy at the moment. Did find a job which included car and ski pass in the french alps doing web work for a travel company. I think he would have jumped on this if his partner hadn't just started working in Pharmacy and really needs to do her first year of employment without any breaks from it.

Thanks for your hope. I hope too that he gets something soon ;)

So is this job a step up the one you were released from? Or a similar position? Anyway I must stop turning this congratullary thread into a depressing one

Rock on you architectural stud! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
the job i was released from was a temp position that i had for 3 months while i looked for stuff. its a fair step up, especially in the quality and variety of work.

my initial intention was to go and work abroad [scandinavia] for a year or two. i went out there in august but the region is in recession so there wasn't any work. i decided that i was prepared to wait and try to get a job with a company i really liked rather than take the first job here in cardiff, but it made things really hard financially and with regard uncertainty for the wife and i.

its been worth the wait though, hopefully i'm going to enjoy working there for a while :)
I am SO HAPPY for you!!!!


That's so great!! I'm so glad, you've waited long enough! *hugs ris*

btw I didn't forget about my promise of a Christmas card... We've been saving money cus Rusty is going to be on unemployment again soon but we consolidated a few bills and we'll be fine. So expect something someday soon. :D