I got a new phone



No more wasting time when I try to dial out without lifting the handset. :D

Looks similar to the ones we have everywhere at the store, except doesn't have those top 12 buttons. Don't need them anyway.

hehe, a couple of days ago my manager wanted to dial 411 for a phone number but out of habit dialed 911 because we dial that and hang up when we get shoplifted. The cops were there before he left the office. :D
The cops are right down the block, and I think a cop was already in the store shopping when the second car pulled up. I've called it by mistake before when I was dialing a number that was like 912-1789 and missed the 2. At least I told them I misdialed and they didn't send a unit to the house. :D
Those look like the digital ATT phones we have on campus. $800 per phone. Can you believe people steal them? You can't use them outside of exclusive-ATT PBXs--I've heard analog lines will blow those phones up. :eek:
We use the T-series at work. 7308s for the commoners, 7316s for us important people. I like them.
on these days, when somebody says "i got a new phone" i always think they are talking about a new cell phone.

Nice to know there are still people that want to improve their "local" phone set :D
yeah, i suppose a cell phone would never be as comfortable as a "fixed" telephone set when using it intensively, plus there's the health risk of cell phones.
My main phone is a speakerphone with 30 memories... trouble is I can never remember the numbers I want to dial on the extention... :lol:
Speed dial, speed dial, speed dial....
Mine is capable of 99, I have 78 on there. I have a list tacked to the wall for the ones that aren't labeled. I have local extensions, outside phones plus extensions, etc. Like Einstein said, never memorize anything that's written down.
There's no health risk to using cell phones unless you're talking about the risk of crashing if you use one while driving or the risk of getting your lights punched out using it in a quiet place such as a movie theatre or restaurant.

Mine is very comfortable. I've been using it for 3 months. Convenient too, I can dial #646 and hang up after about 10 seconds to receive a free text message detailing my balance and minute usage, and I don't even have text message service on my account. :beerbang:
well, it hasn't been proved otherwise either.

A while ago i read about the relationshipe between eye cancer and heavy cell phone users, the numbers were pretty high. Plus, cell phones use microwaves with a relative low power, and either you want it or not the microwaves heats organic things.
Luis G said:
well, it hasn't been proved otherwise either.

A while ago i read about the relationshipe between eye cancer and heavy cell phone users, the numbers were pretty high. Plus, cell phones use microwaves with a relative low power, and either you want it or not the microwaves heats organic things.

I won't agree or disagree with the supposed health benefits. But I will say this: Wireless networking is just as dangerous as, if not more than, cellphones. Phones are not the only source of microwave radiation in our lives, and thus it would be hard to pin them to cases of medical harm.
Jeslek said:
The thing with a cellphone is that the antenna is awfully close to your brain.
I read a while back that you get more microwave exposure walking under power lines, or something like that. Why take chances, though. :D