i got drunk and had to tyrpe this twice

Gonz said:
Leting the garden rest this year....first time in over 2 decades I'm breaking out the herbicide. If I can't get fresh tomatoes & peppers, ain't nothing growing here :mad:
:( Please don't use chemicals. That's so bad. At least go organic if you want to keep everything from growing. Why not mulch it or spread plastic down? Create a microclimate that enriches the soil.
greenfreak said:
:( Please don't use chemicals. That's so bad. At least go organic if you want to keep everything from growing. Why not mulch it or spread plastic down? Create a microclimate that enriches the soil.

My weeds actually grow thru the matting. That's why I'm breaking out the hard stuff.
Wait a minute. I've avoided chemicals my entire adult life. I bought some topsoil from Menards & it introduced some wildly exotic weeds into my garden. I've spent two years hoeing, pulling, mulching & covering only to have them come back, stronger than ever. They overtook my garden last year. If you wannt volunteer to stop by a couple of times a week to keep them in check...be my guest. I'm out of ideas & life can be made better thru science. :p
Leslie said:
Then, he gave me a ride home. And on the way, he told me his car isn't on the road because of undisclosed *paperwork issues*.

Was this on his bicycle or am I missing something :alienhuh:

My "best part of my day" was getting to sleep in and then finally finding a bottle of JS with Monkeys.{I need a life}
Wifes' Sis is off the heart lung machine after the quad-bypass. The veins they went after in the first leg were no good, so they sliced into the other one. Ouch!
It was all looking good at work, right up until about five minutes to knock-off, when my co-worker dumped some stuff on my desk and asked 400+ copies on alternating coloured paper. Needless to say, I finished late. :grumpy:
It's springtime, in a big way. Everything is budding. There are more birds in my yard this year than anytime I can remember.
My sales have sucked a fat one lately. So I was pretty happy when someone came into the store and said they wanted a new 3-line Verizon plan. I made me some money today. :D
Sharky said:
It's springtime, in a big way. Everything is budding. There are more birds in my yard this year than anytime I can remember.

Yes the birds are a chirpin'......But havent seen much of the little lizards yet...think in the hurricanes alot of little creatures were killed????? Oh NOT the armidillas though...my front yard is a mess i'll tell ya...how the heck do I get rid of them... Wish it killed all these HUGE spiders I've been seeing....
Leslie said:
But the actual visiting was fun. And I got a Timmy's out of it so it's all good.

Is that what you guys are calling it over there? :D :D

AAaaand yesterday was pretty shitty too... rushed off at work... the "young mother" decided to play the "sick bairn" card again and had the day off leaving just the two of us to man the lines!

I swear I'm gonna take some "young single childless leave" and spend it on a date... Hell! Thats a part of my life... finding me a man... and there's no one else to do it for me!!!

If you have a child make provision for it... don't expect others to cover your back...
Yesterday was a typical Tuesday for me. It's the day when all me lovely felons have to come see me so I can tell if they have been naughty or nice.

I hate Tuesdays.

One positive dope screen (see ya later, loser), one no-show, more lame-ass excuses than I could count, and the usual smattering of whining, coughing up of lungs due to sickness, blaming "my ol' lady" for things going wrong, promises to pay their fines "as soon as the tax check comes in" (If I have to hear that one more time I'm taking hostages...), and general human stupidity on public display.

Did I mention that I hate Tuesdays?

Went home, couldn't eat supper despite me spouse preparing some fantastic looking tacos (surgery next week, God I want to be normal again), read awhile, and literally passed out in bed and slept like the very dead. Feeling much better today, thanks for asking.

I hate Tuesdays.