I have a dream - Black History Month

Professur said:
Really? So I uess you have no problem with wimmen in brasseries?

Women in Brassieres?

Not really...no. :)
Women working for beer manufacturers? I don't catch that one...

I was thinking about the BIG deal about Tiger Woods being the first black man in the PGA, or people getting all excited cause a black man breaks the colour-barrier. It should be 'nothing special' when that happens..but it's all over the news.
Taverns, dude.

And I don't have a problem with org's being all everyone. But I do have a problem with women in the NBA, while there's a WNBA in existance. With girls in Boy scouts, while Girl Guides is there for them. That's my problem.

and of course, women in Brasseries.
I wonder what King would have said if someone had pointed out to him that Lincoln didn't really care whether slavery existed or was abolished. The Emancipation Proclamation was nothing more than a rallying cry for the North, which was losing the war at the time.
PuterTutor said:
I think we'll see it in our lifetimes, it's coming, ever so slowly, but it's coming.

:rofl4: :shrug:

Squiigy said:
Hmmm...Seems the white male is the only minority without the comfort of minority status and the special rights and privleges it affords....:tardbang:

Not so. White males over forty are protected under anti-discrimination law. :D

Prof said:
The kids are learning that in school this month. My daughter keeps singing "we will overcome" to herself.
At least she's not singing "Burn Baby Burn" (the Jimmy Collier and Reverend Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick one from the Watts riots, BTW).
As ususal I join the debate way to late (hey that rhymes) but I agree with alot of whats been said except I don't accept Ms. explaination for things and I don't bow to that analogy that we pay for our fore-fathers mistakes. I mean if you want to look at history of the US we too were once held by another type of discrimination we wanted to be free from the british (no offense hopefully will be taken) and thier rule at the time. I really don't see them bending to serve for their mistakes these days. Agreed slavery, exploitation, and all of the above are things that I/we are not proud of but doesn't mean we have to give them more rights than we have (thats why its called equal rights).
I think it will happen when people stop juding each other by colour of skin, and all prejudices go away. and racism too.
freako104 said:
I think it will happen when people stop juding each other by colour of skin, and all prejudices go away. and racism too.
Nice theory, never happen.
Professur said:
It's not the existance of black's clubs and women's clubs and such that bother me. It's that if I try and open a white club, I'm a racism. Any woman can walk into any YMCA. (That's Young Men Club of America), but a guy walking into a YWCA is gonna get run out on a rail.

Get the picture?

It's an annoying double standard :nono:
PuterTutor said:
After all, they obviously have things in common that the average white person would have no understanding of.

Whoa there Kimosabe. You saying that whites & blacks are different, besides melatonin? That blows a giant hole in the entire can't we all get along crowds argument. We're the same, remember?
Ms Ann Thrope said:
.... children often pay for the sins of their fathers....

I feel worse for those people than for some white male of European descent whining because he can't get into some stupid club. :shrug:

Then we may as well nuke the world for we're no better than our past. If you look far enough back you'll see homo sapiens killing homo erectus'. Life isn't fair. Don't expect it to be.

All these inequities exist today. In Africa, south & central America, Asia. Until all women & blacks are equal aren't all women & blacks still in bondage? Go, fight the evil-doers. End oppresion. While you're at it, figure out how to walk on water because that's what it will take.

Allow white men their freedom. We didn't reluctantly pass it around to lose it ourselves. Those white men of European decent fought & died so we all could enjoy freedom. Don't knock 'em.

Do not judge previous centuries or millennia by current standards. All things are not equal.
Thulsa Doom said:
wait wait... what black clubs dont let any white people in it?

depends on the club. some say sure we need to integrate to end racism and the like. some say no.
Gonz said:
We're the same, remember?

We are essentially the same, the differences are cultural. Even if we were all the same uniform color of purple, prejudice would still exist. For instance, I promise Bill, Hilary, George and Laura all think they're better than you and me.

There is one race on earth, it's the human race. Sometimes I think it's too bad we're trying to destroy it.

Thulsa Doom said:
wait wait... what black clubs dont let any white people in it?

You know, I've been to a couple of blues clubs where the doormen didn't say it in so many words, but the sentiment was quite clear.
chcr said:
We are essentially the same, the differences are cultural.

Which explains the African & the American problem but not the black & white problem since we're all from the same culture.
Gonz said:
Which explains the African & the American problem but not the black & white problem since we're all from the same culture.

Perhaps there is one culture, Gonz. Could you describe it for me? I'm sincere, btw, not being sarcastic. My own experience, you see, has been one of a multiplicity of cultures: urban culture, youth culture, the culture of the ethnic community I grew up in, etc. I have never been able to identify "one" American culture, but have enjoyed and rejected elements of many. Often these cultures are in conflict with each other, but that's the beauty of life in a multicultural world. It's complex, varied and always interesting.
Our culture is centered around the individual & his/her aspirations & accomplishments. It focuses on the individual & their place in the community.

success in school, success in the workplace, success in entrepeneurship, success in family, success in community. The individual is driven, culturally, to succeed.
but that sounds like a culture based on acquisitions and economic success.... :confused:

what about music? the arts? the spoken word? theater? celebrations and their rituals? the foods prepared to mark certain holidays?

a culture based on success sounds very poor and empty, it sounds TERRIBLE in my opinion.... :(