I have no appetite


Staff member
I don't know why. I got up this morning at 9:30 and didn't wat anything until just now. I only ate 2 pieces of peanut butter toast and I only did that cause I felt I HAD too and now I feel ill cause of it :(
If you aren't hungry, don't eat :) Trust your body. I don't eat until 1pm because I'm never hungry until then. ;)
And you have absolutely no idea why you lack an appetite(for food)?
Hows your mood today?
*puke* waffles makes me think of that damn commerical for the fresh waffles. That commercial turns my stomach no matter how much of an appetite I have. They couldn't make those things look more gross.

I had no appetite yesterday either. I had to force toast down at breakfast and then i didn't eat lunch, I ate some microwave pasta for dinner cause i felt kinda hungry but couldn't be bothered to actually cook something to eat. I would have rathered go hungry then cook. This morning I haven't eatten anything.

I am kinda in a weird state lately. I was worried about friends the past few days (although most of that has been sorted out now). I am kinda worried about my bf too. I dunno. I am unsure of what sort of relationship he wants exactly. There are a few scenarios I would be open to but then others that I wouldn't. I don't think he wants any of the ones I wouldn't agree too but of the ones I am game for I do not know what he wants. Superserious, fun with no worries, committed but not letting our own lives intertwine at this point. At this point I want something exclusive and I am sure he does too I just do not know the degree.
Well I hope that whatever is playing on your mind as far as your friends go sorts out and you get your appetite back. I too lose appetite to a degree when I am worried. Not to the extent of having food cause my stomach to churn but just not feeling hungry. As far as the boyfriend situation goes, I myself would be wanting exclusivity from the start of the "official" relationship rather than something to be discussed at a later date!
Oh, we are exclusive. That I know. I do not know to what degree though. ie. what degree of seriousness.

I am eatting pasta now. No matter how sick I get I can always eat pasta :licklips:
i'm fecking depressed... this whole Katherine thing is getting me really down.

the other night at work i listened to Elton John's old(ish) stuff and Coldplay for 8 hours solid.

damn, it even made me cry, had to go to the canteen for a while... :(

PS: For those of you who don't know about the Katherine thing, ask Nixy... It's 0310 here ;)
Alladinsane: i meant no matter how sick i FEEL. I felt very ill all over earlier today and yetserday.

Les: She is a girl that he is REALLY likes. They were flatmates last year. He wants to ask her to be his Valentine and he wants to go all out for her but he is trying to figure out and get the nerve up to ask her to be his Valentine...