I have now used the Final Excuse

Yeah, working at a Faculty where 99% of the alumni are men doesn't help.
paul_valaru said:
I here the final call of the woman who can't beleive she is being turned down....don't you want some of this.

Sure I do. Just not yours. Goodnight.

fag ;)
The last I heard Paul enjoyed fags on a regular basis (and I'm not joking!)

gotta stop posting late at night

but seriously don't you guys have the same problem? having to put up with model quality women asking you for sex all the time, it is so tiresome.

yeah nixy, smoking fags. (in the british sense, not the hate crime sense)
SouthernN'Proud said:
Asking for sex doesn't bother me. It's when they want me to accept bills larger than a fifty for sex that irks me.

don't carry that much change?

(cheap whore)
paul_valaru said:
gotta stop posting late at night

but seriously don't you guys have the same problem? having to put up with model quality women asking you for sex all the time, it is so tiresome.

yeah nixy, smoking fags. (in the british sense, not the hate crime sense)

You know, you gotta be careful when saying you smoke fags...even if you specify not in the hate crime sense...cause there's a way you could be smokin'em that they'd prolly really enjoy ;)
Inkara1 said:
Watch those twenties... they're the most counterfieted ones out there.

Why not print ones & fives? Nobody pays attention to them so you could pass off thousands & never get caught.
Well this post has been good for a smirk.

I had to get my Son when he was 15 to learn to turn
down gurls for Sex (a problem most guys wish they had)
"so imagine you are the hottest girl in school and all the guys wanna bang ya,
now if she takes 'em all on what do ya call that kinda girl"

Well Paul might be a Fag, at least he ain't a slut? heh heh
Gonz said:
Why not print ones & fives? Nobody pays attention to them so you could pass off thousands & never get caught.

Because if you try to buy a stereo with nothing but fives and ones, someone's gonna pay attention. $20s are all the machines dole out, so noone's suprised at getting stacks of them.

Besides the cost involved. The cost is the same to print $1 and $20. But one of them has a helluva lot better profit margin.
Better profit margin but higher risk....criminal trade off I supose
If criminals were seriously worried about the risk factor, they'd go straight. I know for a fact that most cashiers would rather take, and pass back out a bill they know to be fake than chance confronting the guy passing it.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Not one criminal I ever had to supervise planned on getting caught.

Good thing some of them aren't so great at what they do...else you'd be out of a job!
paul_valaru said:
So as some of you know, I work at a hotel.

Well we have a deal with a local spa, which is opening, to let the girls that will be working there, stay here.

there is about 20 of em, well they are filtering in in groups after a long night of many drinks.

They are of the bimbo variety, the kind I hate, so I was asked up to a room to...well you know.

I of course said no (I have video evidence of this) and it start flashing the cleavage, etc. I say I am with someone.

I here the final call of the woman who can't beleive she is being turned down....don't you want some of this.

I look her in the eye, and say

"I'm gay"


(no quoting out of context!!!)

Why did you feel the compunction to lie? It's perfectly OK to turn down sex with a skanky tart just because you are not interested, without having to resort to BS excuses like "I'm gay". Besides, using such excuses could backfire. Next time just be honest and tell them thanks, but no thanks. You don't even have to be nice about it ;)