I have now used the Final Excuse

Nixy said:
Good thing some of them aren't so great at what they do...else you'd be out of a job!
If you think about it for a moment, there likely are criminals who are good at their job. You'll never hear about them though.
AlphaTroll said:
Why did you feel the compunction to lie? It's perfectly OK to turn down sex with a skanky tart just because you are not interested, without having to resort to BS excuses like "I'm gay". Besides, using such excuses could backfire. Next time just be honest and tell them thanks, but no thanks. You don't even have to be nice about it ;)

Really would have backfired if she'd been a tranny, wouldn't it? Flip up her skirt and show off a woody. What would you have done then, Paul?
chcr said:
If you think about it for a moment, there likely are criminals who are good at their job. You'll never hear about them though.

Yes, that's why I said that SOME of them aren't so great at what they do.