I have to deal with this every day at my work

Yeah, you are being frugal at $100/person/mo. Put these relatives to work in your vegetable garden! Get some chickens for eggs (and maybe meat, if you have room) and have the family pitch in on upkeep. Make a day for canning, blanching, freezing, and/or dehydrating veggies to store and have everyone do their part.

I agree that some things are OK to buy off-brand (paper towels, TP, juice, butter, tonic water) but some things you just can't (Kiss My Face olive oil soap b/c my skin gets too dry and itchy, beer, vodka, gin) because the quality is just not the same and makes it a waste of money.

we do what we can. ;)
I ain't raising no animals, or chickens.
I'll grow veggies and trade.
I do have fish a plenty, if I really want some meat, but ...
boneless breast chicken, boneless pork chops, hamburger, and sirlion tip roast,
all less than 2/lb atm.
[size=+1]If things get really tough I’ll just resort to cannibalism.[/size]

damn that's high.
The guy down the road here...um er um,..I mean ..
man that just awful, who would do something like that.
I ain't raising no animals, or chickens.
I'll grow veggies and trade.

Chickens are easy as hell. A coop & a bag of feed. Build some nests & you'll not go hungry again. Cattle, singularly, aren't too bad. A barn & some oats. Eat'n's good.
dunno what they got atm, but used to have a 1300lb bull.
he was pretty tough to deal with sometimes.
Originally Posted by valkyrie View Post
I agree that some things are OK to buy off-brand (...juice, butter,...)
Bite your tongue woman!!!
So long as its food made in the USA. And surely no one here trusts any food items from China... surely no one is dumb enough to ingest anything made in China.
Chickens are easy as hell. A coop & a bag of feed. Build some nests & you'll not go hungry again. Cattle, singularly, aren't too bad. A barn & some oats. Eat'n's good.
True that. I have 15 chickens right now. Eggs all the time. Since they're free range chickens their eggs are healthier.
The Good Egg - Mother Earth News
(I love Mother Earth News... awesome magazine.)
it's the smell
I'm in a hollow.

there's plenty of deer
If you free range them there won't be a smell.

How many deer are you allowed to bag a year where you're at?
If you free range them there won't be a smell.

How many deer are you allowed to bag a year where you're at?

I don't have enough land, except for one, and one don't procreate.
I've got neighbors, family, and they won't want it in their front door.

I don't know about the deer. I haven't killed one in over a decade.

A friend of mine got 3 I think.
I don't have enough land, except for one, and one don't procreate.
I've got neighbors, family, and they won't want it in their front door.

I don't know about the deer. I haven't killed one in over a decade.

A friend of mine got 3 I think.
Well, if you don't bag 'em yourself its always good to have a friend who bags too many for his own freezer. :D
Keeps the birds to under 20 or so & there's no smell worth worrying about. We had a 15'x10' L-shaped for ours, in Phoenix, less than 30' from the back door.