I have to deal with this every day at my work

i was asked for my professional opinion on reusable bags yesterday. and the person asking the question was serious. apparently the rate of purchase far exceeds the rate of use. no shit? i need a new job.
what happens if water restrictions happen though?
If they don't get busy, it's only a matter of time.
all somebody needs to do is put the chemistry together to use plastic garbage
to burn clean, and make a car run on it. Make pellets or something like those pellet wood heaters.

Get those damn scientist that's trying to figure out the creation crap, and
put um on something that will help society now.
i was asked for my professional opinion on reusable bags yesterday. and the person asking the question was serious. apparently the rate of purchase far exceeds the rate of use. no shit? i need a new job.

This is true ... for now. I have customers every day who lament that they have either left their reusable bags at home or in the car. The ones that leave them in the car are so zealously passionate about saving the planet that they won't trundle their lazy ass out to the car to get them.

Once the state of CO passes a law, which is already proposed, to charge .06 per plastic bag -- with .03 going to the state ... I wonder what that could be about, eh? -- they will be more conscientious about bring them in with them.
so, jim, you haven't actually gotten sick?

I've been fighting throat infections for about three months now and the doctor doesn't know what it is. Could be from flailing these dirty bags around in front of my face.
I've been fighting throat infections for about three months now and the doctor doesn't know what it is. Could be from flailing these dirty bags around in front of my face.
Don't put your fingers in your orifices (until you've washed your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds).
The bags are washable. Why anyone would go shopping and put their new items in a dirty bag is beyond my comprehension. I have cats (and dogs, but they stay outside) but they're not going to nest in my shopping bags. The shopping bags are hung on a hook, all stuffed into one bag to keep them neat.

Now I will also admit that I'm a bit more... obsessive... when it comes to cleanliness, but still....
$600 in food? Jeeze, dude! WTF are you buying and what army are you buying it for? :eek:

3 adults, and 3 kids that eat like adults.

I buy bulk, and a lot of cheapest on sale stuff.
Several things I have to have a brand on though.

That's being frugal imo.
3 adults, and 3 kids that eat like adults.

I buy bulk, and a lot of cheapest on sale stuff.
Several things I have to have a brand on though.

That's being frugal imo.
Yeah, you are being frugal at $100/person/mo. Put these relatives to work in your vegetable garden! Get some chickens for eggs (and maybe meat, if you have room) and have the family pitch in on upkeep. Make a day for canning, blanching, freezing, and/or dehydrating veggies to store and have everyone do their part.

I agree that some things are OK to buy off-brand (paper towels, TP, juice, butter, tonic water) but some things you just can't (Kiss My Face olive oil soap b/c my skin gets too dry and itchy, beer, vodka, gin) because the quality is just not the same and makes it a waste of money.