I hear Perdue Chicken is good


molṑn labé
Staff member
Better be, I ain't buying Tyson anymore. Not until they have the cajones to fire the illegals.

SPRINGDALE, Ark. Tyson Foods will temporarily close 12 plants nationwide Monday because workers are expected to attend immigration rallies.

The decision by Tyson reflects the high numbers of immigrants who work in the U-S meat industry.

Some Hispanic organizations have called for immigrants not to shop or work May first in protest of proposed stricter legislation on illegal immigration.

Cargill Meat Solutions and Pittsburgh, Texas,-based Pilgrim's Pride also say they expect interruptions.

Cargill says it will temporarily shut down plants. Pilgrim's Pride say it will make scheduling adjustments.

The temporary shutdown affects five of Tyson's nine U-S beef plants, four of its six pork plants, one of its 54 poultry plants and two of its 27 prepared food operations plants.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
the werld wouldn't cease to rotate without beanners
contrary to popular belief
but if Form I-9 Compliance was enforced there'd be hundreds of thousands of unemployed here

but we did pass a law recently that was supposed to deny them a place in line at the govt. free shit line

Hmmm I see a partial solution forming up here hmmm

Now if we’d build a six lane freeway from here to the border and
run the deportation busses 24/7 we could have em all outta here
sometime before the next century

lessee how things goes on May first (Monday) when
the beans don't show up to clean the toilets
Winky said:
the werld wouldn't cease to rotate without beanners
contrary to popular belief

Operation Vanguard

Operation Vanguard reflects the new INS strategy of issuing do-not-hire
letters to employers rather than raiding work places. In November 1998, the
INS subpoenaed Social Security numbers and A-numbers of employed workers from
meatpackers and checked employee data against national databases. In March
1999, the INS announced that a review of 26,000 employee records at 40
meatpacking plants found 4,500 (17 percent) had discrepancies. These workers
were asked to clarify their status before the INS interviewed them in plant

Many of the workers quit before the INS arrived. The INS said that 2,149
of the 3,135 workers that it planned to interview in Nebraska plants quit
rather than be interviewed by the INS. As of June 1999, the INS interviewed
1,040 workers and arrested 34 unauthorized workers.
'arrested 34'

clearly there isn't an issue with illegals in this industry

you may now resume yer chicken chompin' ways
so, all those workers being chased out... who does that help, and how? please explain in a substantive way, not just in a standard kneejerk "they're illegals" way.

who was harmed economically by them being there?

help me understand your point of view.

but no kneejerks.
Well.. the company is dodging payroll taxes. The individual is dodging personal taxes. In many cases they are actively grinding it backwards by dipping into the social welfare net. That deflates the state coffers. That puts a mild blanket of harm across the entire system as they still put an expense upon the system that they do not contribute to. The need for roads, school, emergency and civil services expand to meet the general level of the population and in some cases create an abnomal expansion upon civil services to accomodate a non-english speaking sector. Either that tax cost burden is pressed upon the rest of the population or the quality and amount of services provided contract.
I'd be fine with that, having them register, making themselves legal and paying taxes like the rest of us have to. I'm all for legal immigration.

Of course, since they're illegal, undocumented aliens, there's no way to know exactly how many of them are here.
The problem is not only what's been outlined above. It goes further.

A lot of illigals are truly here to make a life for themselves and their families. The issues surrounding them have just been enumerated (at least in part).

A lot of illegals are here for other reasons entirely. They broke the law to get here because breaking the law is what they do. Mexican gangs have expanded massively in Atlanta. Know who their members are? Illegals, in large part. Maybe they were a half step ahead of the cops at home, maybe they thought the US was easier pickings, but a shitload of very nasty people come across that border with the (freeloading) sheep.

It's a bad situation all the way around.
2minkey said:
so, all those workers being chased out... who does that help, and how? please explain in a substantive way, not just in a standard kneejerk "they're illegals" way.

who was harmed economically by them being there?

help me understand your point of view.

but no kneejerks.

Start with The Immigration Reform Act signed by Reagan.

Four million illegals were given legal temporary status. They then had to go thru the channels, after stepping to the head of the line, bypassing tens (or hundreds?) of thousands of people who bent over backwards to follow procedure. People who paid money for background checks. People who filled in subsection BB, lines 2, 8 & 17, all in triplicate & stood at the American embassy listening to government employees explain to the why they must present 6 forms of ID before they can be seen. Beaucracy takes precedence.

Fast forward 20 years & the press is reporting the governments underreporting of ELEVEN MILLION illegals ( more like 20-30 million) who learned from the last wave of criminals. Since the Reagan debacle, our phone systems now tell you to press this number for that language. Since the invasion started, American schools are using language immersion to teach our children IN SPANISH!!!!!

As of the first wave of invaders, the cohesiveness of the melting pot has broken down...not because we have people from Mexico in our country but because we have people from Mexico in our contry to refuse to assimilate. People who refuse to become American yet demand our nation cater thier whims. People who demand the state of Arizona put up drinking fountains in the fucking desert, as an act of humanitarianism.

The Mexican government passes out pamphlets to its citizens describing how they can ILLEGALLY enter our country & then take advantage of our system. The second or third highest export to Mexico from the US is not jobs or goods or agrculture...it's AMERICAN MONEY. The Mexican government preahes & nags & cajoles & spreads rumors about how the American people are racists for wanting to defend their own borders & calling into question our humanitarianism whiel using armed military on thgeir very own southern border for exactly the same reason. The Mexican military is also shooting at our Border Patrol, across the border, as well as entering American soil (and private property) to protect Mexican drug cartels.

Who's being hurt? Americans are being hurt. They say Americans won't do the jobs that Illegal Aliens do. Horseshit. Somebody did them before the Mexicans arrived. Those people are now unemployed. Many of those people were legal immigrants. Those were & are entry level jobs...people don't like them but they sure as hell did them.

Oh, and it's not kneejerk to say BECAUSE THEY'RE CRIMINALS. What the fuck do you think ILLEGAL ALIEN means?

If they stay (and bring their families, 20 million becomes 75,000,000 overnight) how long before we have 50 million? How about 100,000,000? They broke the law, showing their willingness to break our law so they shold be forbidden form ever entering our country again. That will send a message. So could INS, simply be arresting all the illegals at the tomorrows rallys. Can't say we didn't know where they were.
Gonz said:
Oh, and it's not kneejerk to say BECAUSE THEY'RE CRIMINALS. What the fuck do you think ILLEGAL ALIEN means?

hmmm. to me it seems like one thing to be in technical violation of immigration rules, and another thing to steal cars, rape, and murder.

seems like a civil matter rather than a criminal one.

hey, maybe that's why they currently trying to pass a law to criminalize that shit, because it's currently not a criminal offense. so, then, technically... hey, they're not criminals. technically. by THE LAW(!!!!!).



It is illegal to enter our country without passing through customs.

It is against the law. We have several laws that are ignored or unenforced. Why do you think they keep writing new ones?
yeah it's against the law to speed, too. ever done that?

as far as i know under the law entering the country without customs is a civil infraction. it's not a criminal matter.

i realize it's important to you to label all illegal immigrants criminals, though. that's cool. whatever gets you off...

§ 1325. Improper entry by alien

(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who
(1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or
(2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or
(3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
(b) Improper time or place; civil penalties
Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
(1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
(2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

Any more help you need?
2minkey said:
yeah it's against the law to speed, too. ever done that?

So, if everyone starts stealing, I can come over to your place and you'll have no trouble with that? :tard:
Is Canada not looking for mass immigration and taking all comers? Are there limitations on who you will or will not take? or how many? Are Mexicans asking to move up there in droves? at all?
We don't speak spanish. And if you want to emmigrate to Que, you must take french classes.

I can't say for real. I live in the one part of Canada that's already prepared to turn any flood. I understand that BC gets a lot of asians. But it's not like they can just walk into canada.