I hear Perdue Chicken is good

Civil Litigation is a legal, but not criminal, dispute between two parties using either or both the Federal & State level court system.

Civil Infraction is a criminal dispute brought forth by the government.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Law. Not criminal law. All law. Hence, if one's conduct falls outside the parameters of a law, said conduct is illegal. Is that spot-on enough for you?

1. gee, wally, i never said that illegal aliens weren't "illegal" or that they didn't do something "against the law." DUH.

2. "Civil Infraction is a criminal dispute brought forth by the government." thanks for conceding that it is a civil infraction, gonz.

3. civil infraction: a minor offense such as a PARKING TICKET.

4. One more time: use the google link i provided several posts ago. do you really think people like senators and whatnot would be discussing the the issue in the media while making a BASIC MISTAKE OF FACT in calling illegal status in the US a "civil infraction?"


5. RR - you get over it. i'm right.

6. if you're going to argue against illegals in this country - and there are plenty of good reasons to argue against them - at least get your fucking facts right! by missing BASIC DISTINCTIONS you're making your side of the argument look dumber than the ACLU makes the left look.
2minkey said:
those that are here illegally are not (all) "FUCKING CRIMINALS" as you so eloquently suggested a couple dozen post ago.

2minkey said:
gee, wally, i never said that illegal aliens weren't "illegal" or that they didn't do something "against the law."

I rest my case.
2minkey said:
4. ...do you really think people like senators and whatnot would be discussing the the issue in the media while making a BASIC MISTAKE OF FACT in calling illegal status in the US a "civil infraction?"


It happens all the time
Well then our course of action is clear.

Being here without dee papers
must be made a felony!
SouthernN'Proud said:
I rest my case.

jeesus people... it's a simple concept.

illegal and criminal are NOT the same thing.



that is, illegal is to criminal as electronics are to TVs.

all TVs are electronics, but all electronics are not TVs.

all criminal acts are illegal, but everything that is illegal is not a criminal act.

"criminal" is for greater offenses. that are illegal. rape. murder. arson. and rape.

things like parking tickets are lesser offenses . that are illegal. that are not handled as criminal matters. they are handled and classified as civil or even administrative infractions.

one big the other little

understand the difference? no?

take a law class.

talk to a lawyer.

Gonz said:

It happens all the time

fine... believe what you want.

or talk to an immigration lawyer and press him or her for technical definitions. ask what being in the country illegally is classified as. see what you get. if i'm wrong i'll send you a $100 newegg gift certificate and a shiny new butt plug.

no, wait, i already promised winky the butt plug.
Had a law class. Several, in fact. Work in law enforcement too. Well aware of the definition of illegal in a criminal sense. Enforce it daily. Laughing at you.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Had a law class. Several, in fact. Work in law enforcement too. Well aware of the definition of illegal in a criminal sense. Enforce it daily. Laughing at you.

holy shit this is bloody pathetic...

if you work in law enforcement you should be aware of "illegal" or "against the law" in a non-criminal sense as well. but i suspect you have some sort of ancillary or supportive role, so maybe that explains why you don't. and i'm not sure what kind of law classes you had, either. but they left some very basic shit out.

Civil Traffic Infractions
A Civil traffic infraction is a non-criminal violation, not punishable by jail and which usually can be disposed of by payment of a civil penalty or election to attend a defensive driving course. A court appearance is not required, except in cases where the violation involves an accident with serious bodily injury, a fatality or certain other violations.

"if you are issued a ticket for a non-criminal moving traffic violation in the five boroughs of New York City, Buffalo, Rochester or the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip, or Smithtown in Suffolk County, it will be handled by a New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). This allows courts in these areas to concentrate on criminal cases, including driving offenses, such as driving while intoxicated and driving while suspended or revoked (aggravated unlicensed operation). However, TVBs do not handle parking violations."

Q: What happens if you're charged with noncriminal offenses?

A: If you're charged with an ordinance or traffic offense that is not considered a criminal violation, you'll be given a citation. In most cases you won't be taken into custody. The citation will usually give you a choice of paying a fine or going to court. It will state a date for you to appear in court if you choose not to pay the fine.
Got this in an email today...

1. If you migrate to this country, you must speak the native language

2. You have to be a professional or an investor. No unskilled workers

3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special
ballots for elections, all government business will be conducted in our

4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here.

5 Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food
stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs.

7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal
to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

8. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT
options will be restricted. You are not allowed waterfront property. That
is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign
flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his
policies, if you do you will be sent home.

10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and
sent straight to jail.

Harsh, you say? The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of MEXICO!
I had some Perdue chicken tonight. it was pretty good, grilled out on a beautiful evening. I didn't cook all I bought, I think I will make some chicken salad tomorrow.
2minkey said:
holy shit this is bloody pathetic...

if you work in law enforcement you should be aware of "illegal" or "against the law" in a non-criminal sense as well. but i suspect you have some sort of ancillary or supportive role, so maybe that explains why you don't. and i'm not sure what kind of law classes you had, either. but they left some very basic shit out.

Civil Traffic Infractions
A Civil traffic infraction is a non-criminal violation, not punishable by jail and which usually can be disposed of by payment of a civil penalty or election to attend a defensive driving course. A court appearance is not required, except in cases where the violation involves an accident with serious bodily injury, a fatality or certain other violations.

"if you are issued a ticket for a non-criminal moving traffic violation in the five boroughs of New York City, Buffalo, Rochester or the towns of Babylon, Brookhaven, Huntington, Islip, or Smithtown in Suffolk County, it will be handled by a New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB). This allows courts in these areas to concentrate on criminal cases, including driving offenses, such as driving while intoxicated and driving while suspended or revoked (aggravated unlicensed operation). However, TVBs do not handle parking violations."

Q: What happens if you're charged with noncriminal offenses?

A: If you're charged with an ordinance or traffic offense that is not considered a criminal violation, you'll be given a citation. In most cases you won't be taken into custody. The citation will usually give you a choice of paying a fine or going to court. It will state a date for you to appear in court if you choose not to pay the fine.

So what training do YOU have? What classes did you take? What university? I think that is a relevant question.
i don't think it really matters, but....

i worked as a clerk for a bunch of lawyers for four years when i was an undergrad. by the end of that time i was writing briefs on obscure shit like the differences between forfeiture and foreclosure, which, thankfully, i don't really remember other than the term "whip-sawing" which sounds kinda fun in the right company.

i worked as a paralegal while "slumming" it for a year that i took off grad school. i wrote pleadings, mostly for really sketchy injury cases, and many of the clients had very poor personal hygiene.

i took one college course in law at a shitty community college. i've got some college degrees but they're not really relevant to this discussion. if it really matters to you (which i doubt) i'll PM specifics.

but it really doesn't take any of that to figure out that speeding is against the law but it's not treated as criminal. anybody that can use google can figgur that one out pretty fast.

hey, here's my other qualification - i had several traffic infractions when i was younger and stupider, and i paid attention to the procedures and all that.
2minkey said:
all criminal acts are illegal, but everything that is illegal is not a criminal act.

Hence, ladies & gentlemen, we have our first, last & only needed witness as to why blowjobs & perjury are equitable. The meaning of is is?

My friend minkey, you are one of the most educated people I've encountered. This is, without a doubt, the dumbest thing I've ever seen you write.

Politicians, as a matter of course, write laws that supercede, exacerbate or hinder other laws. That is their job. example...we had plnety of don't kill & especially don't kill kids laws, but a few years back, in the interest of looking like they're doing something important, the pols added to our growing list of illegal activities the Polly Klass (sic?) don't kill kids law. Redundant nonsense bt people felt better. So, Yes, pols say stupid & incorrect things all the time.
well there you have it Ladies and Gents

The truck driver high school grad vs. the PhD

and common sense will out
2minkey said:
i don't think it really matters, but....

i worked as a clerk for a bunch of lawyers for four years when i was an undergrad. by the end of that time i was writing briefs on obscure shit like the differences between forfeiture and foreclosure, which, thankfully, i don't really remember other than the term "whip-sawing" which sounds kinda fun in the right company.

i worked as a paralegal while "slumming" it for a year that i took off grad school. i wrote pleadings, mostly for really sketchy injury cases, and many of the clients had very poor personal hygiene.

i took one college course in law at a shitty community college. i've got some college degrees but they're not really relevant to this discussion. if it really matters to you (which i doubt) i'll PM specifics.

but it really doesn't take any of that to figure out that speeding is against the law but it's not treated as criminal. anybody that can use google can figgur that one out pretty fast.

hey, here's my other qualification - i had several traffic infractions when i was younger and stupider, and i paid attention to the procedures and all that.

Oh. Well in that case, Perry Mason, the floor is yours.

Gonz said:
Hence, ladies & gentlemen, we have our first, last & only needed witness as to why blowjobs & perjury are equitable. The meaning of is is?

My friend minkey, you are one of the most educated people I've encountered. This is, without a doubt, the dumbest thing I've ever seen you write.

Politicians, as a matter of course, write laws that supercede, exacerbate or hinder other laws. That is their job. example...we had plnety of don't kill & especially don't kill kids laws, but a few years back, in the interest of looking like they're doing something important, the pols added to our growing list of illegal activities the Polly Klass (sic?) don't kill kids law. Redundant nonsense bt people felt better. So, Yes, pols say stupid & incorrect things all the time.

did you even look at the procedural websites that i posted from municipalities and whatnot talking about noncriminal offenses?

do you think they would be "offenses" if they were within the law?

do you think they would be called noncriminal if they were criminal?

it's not political doublespeak, it's BLOODY OBVIOUS.

do you still think a PARKING TICKET is criminal? go to your local court. sit and watch for a day. observe all the noncriminal offenses that people hassle over and pay $50 fines for.

nah, no one with half a brain could not get this, so at this point it's obvious that you are just pulling my leg and fucking around.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Oh. Well in that case, Perry Mason, the floor is yours.


well thanks. what are your qualifications? what's your job and background.

lemme guess.

criminal justice major in school.

now you work as a prison guard.

Originally Posted by 2minkey
but it really doesn't take any of that to figure out that speeding is against the law but it's not treated as criminal. anybody that can use google can figgur that one out pretty fast.
I think that one depends on the state.
Here, it depends on "How Much" over the limit you are going.
You might want to recheck the google thing.

My qualifications are, I know several criminals, and they know what they got.:D

BTW I here Perdue got hit too now.