I hope I don't have to have surgery!!!


Kissy Goddess
I have a bad owie :(

Yesterday I had a quick nap on the couch and when I woke up, I noticed a pain in my lower right side.. I guess in the lower right quadrant. I couldn't yawn, it would hurt, couldn't lay flat.. nothing.

So I went to bed - woke up feeling not-too-bad. A little tender. As the day went on, it got worse. Soon I couldn't take a deep breath. Eventually, any move I made I could feel the sharp pains.

Went to the Doc's - he said it's either the early stage of appendicitis or a twisted ovary. :( Bleh. All I know is IT HURTS! So far no vomiting or fever - so I am thinking it's not appendicitis... yet. I have an ultrasound Friday.

I don't know if I should go to work or rest.. I forgot to ask the Doc.. stupid, uh?


I need a hug... I hurt :(
awwww Spirit :(

You should stay home if you can, an ovary thing isn't something to fool around with either. *hugs*


smiley_hug.gif, 0.21kb

see how you feel in the morning although rest might do you good. try motrin for the pain. if the pain gets worse and/or you spike a temp that wont come down with motrin or tylenol, call your doc and get over to the ER. not sure what they do for twisted ovaries (haven't come across that yet), but if its your appendix that has to come out, its an easy 2-3 day stay in the hospital. some places are doing appys laprascopically now. no scar.

hope you feel better tomorrow spirit.
*hugs Spirit but not too tight*

I hope it turns out well for you, Spirit! Please let us know how it goes. :)

Tell those kids of yours to hug you tenderly. That's part of the reason they're there, right? :D
Thanks, spot. I am hoping it's minor - but it sure as heck doesn't feel minor.

Leslie, thanks - I just might stay home, but I get soooo bored at home!

Greenie, perfect hug! :D Every night I cuddle with the boys and tickle them - can you believe I am actually gonnna miss that tonight?
my wifes "appendicitis" turned out to be a blocked intestine. Can you make it before Friday?
If its apendicitis, you should be in deep trouble well before your ultrasound appointment. Youre in pain now. Why in gods name didn't the ultrasound happen today? If the pain is that bad, you should be useless pain howling jelly by friday.
*laughing at what Unc said* yer funnee.....

I don't know if I'll make it til Friday... seems like forever away.... but unless I get a fever & start vomitting, I have to wait.

Yes, LL, I do.....
Yeah... the pain is steady.. not too too bad when I am laying on my side...

It's icky... wanna hug me? :D
Is that just your particular doctor being overbooked? A schedule conflict on your part? Or standard operating proceedure of the general medical system?
Spirit said:
Yeah... the pain is steady.. not too too bad when I am laying on my side...

It's icky... wanna hug me? :D
I am concerned ... and I don't want to make it hurt worse by hugging ya... not that you ever needed to be ill to draw a hug out of me.
All the Labs were fully booked, even though they said it was "urgent" so instead of doing a full abdominal, they booked me for a pelvic and will check the appendix as well.