This is how my day went:
3:00 p.m.
Went to have an ultrasound... she had to push
hard on my belly
cuz she couldn't find one of my ovaries... THEN she decided to call in the boss and have him try. He finds it, then finds something "abnormal" in the appendix area. He said he couldn't tell *what* it was and decided I needed to do an "inter-vaginal probe"
Still inconclusive... so then he thought I should go to the hospital to have a CT, rush.
4:15 p.m.
At the hospital.... they rush me in, hook me up to an IV, take blood, then make me drink this vile stuff, lots of it too, and wait two hours so I can have my CT. Meanwhile, I get probed again by an intern. Bleh. Pee every ten minutes. Bleh.
7:20ish p.m.
Tired, sore. Go from the Emergency Observation area to the CT waiting area. Get the scan done. Piece of cake. They take me back to the EO and I wait some more.
Sometime in there, I ask "Did the blood tests come back?" Nurse says "Yes, but I can't read it, you will have to wait for the Doctor." "When will he be here?" "I don't know, sorry."
The Doctor comes in, opens the curtain, looks at me with this look like "Oh man, I hate to have to tell you this" I think he was playing games, he was an asshole. So I said "WHAT?? What's wrong???" He pauses for
just a little too long, then tells me exactly what the Radiologist told me. NOTHING!!!!!! Phreaking NOTHING! 'inconclusive'. He says. "You have something about 2cm in diameter close to your appendix, but we're not sure if it's
on your appendix. We are going to call in the Surgeaons on Call and consult with them. They may want to do exploratory surgery at which time if your appendix is abnormal, they will remove it. You may be here until about 11 or so." I ask "What about my blood tests...that would determine if it's an infection, right?" He says "They were all normal" Then he leaves. I sat there, stunned... I asked the nurse to go get him so I could ask him questions.. she raced after him, he ignored her!!! So she came back and politely said 'the Doctor was very busy with emergent cases and that the Surgeons would be right here.'
9:30ish p.m.
Student surgical intern comes in and I get to give my 'history' for the third/forth time. Nice gal.. but I was tired and sick of the same phreakin' questions. So I say to her, "I can't stand being poked and proded again, so you're gonna have to wait til the Surgical Intern On Call comes in and you can do it together at the same time". She laughs and says that's cool.
Resident Surgical Intern comes in... I'm thinking she was a tad inebriated - breath too strong of mint gum. Eyes kinda not so open...
Go through the story APHREAKINGAIN!!! They proceed the poking and prodding and decide they need to stick thier damn fingers in my... umm... well.. 'there'. EW! "does this hurt?".."no"... prod prod... "this?"... "nope".... this goes on TOO long. Felt like I had to take a ... you know what. EWWWWW. So they're done, we discuss that they don't "think" it's my appendix but are concerned about the 2cm abnormality. "we'll consult the surgeon and get back to you..." I say"I'm leaving, I can't take this indecision anymore" "Ok, we'll hurry, give us ten minutes". So after 10 minutes, I call in the nurse and tell her to take out the IV, I'm going home. She comes back after a few minutes and removes it.
I'm dressed and ready to go and the Doc somes in and repeats that they don't know what it is, I have to take my temp, watch for this and that and come back for another CT and ultrasound on Monday.
So after 8 hours, what do I know?? After being with umpteen doctors..?