I know in the US the drinking law is 21, but ...


New Member
how many of us have given minors a drink or two?
when did you start drinking?

I admit, I've given minors drinks (16 and older), usually at family parties where I know the minor will stay and not drive.

I started drinking at about 16 too, not heavily, and look at how fine I turned out ;)
Well, I'm guilty of giving minors drinks...but they were minors that I knew (little cousins, younger friends, etc.).

My aunty gave me my first drink at 13 or 14...however old I was in the 8th grade. After that it was whenever aunty was around...I got to drink. But that wasn't common since she lived on another island but she visited frequently.
Then again there was the "of age" cousins.

All-in-all, I think I turned out fine! I'm not a blazing alcholic or anything

...yet! :D
I can't recall having done so in the past, but I have no moral hindrance against doing so as long as its done in a controlled circumstance.
I have no problem with asking family members younger than 21 is they wanna drink as long as we're around .. I don't know if I'd offer to anyone outside of The Family...

I'm not sure if my son and ku'u's sister are weird or what - they always say "no" when we offer :D *sigh of relief*
Yeah, I've given minors a drink. Only my cousin though.

For me it was like, I started drinking at about 14, and now I'm 18, and I hardly ever drink. Stupid isn't it, since 18 is when you're supposed to start drinking in the UK. I'm not tee-total or anything. Just don't see much point in it.
nalani said:
I'm not sure if my son and ku'u's sister are weird or what - they always say "no" when we offer :D *sigh of relief*

*knows what Na is talking about*

What's wrong with them? When I was that young, I'd jump at the chance!

But Scanty, I drank waaaaaaaay more before I was 21. When I finally became of age, it wasn't as exciting anymore. It wasn't illegal therefore, where was the fun in that?
And they way we drink now is different ... in high school & college its all about getting as drunk as fast as you can.

Now it's about enjoying a beer or enjoying a glass of wine.
Now I remember the supressed horror.

I remember one fall evening about 7 years ago when I took a liter of vodka and some Tropicana Twister to a beach in the middle of the night for a few quick 'bonding' moments with family. I had a 20 and 16 y/o cousin with me. I made a small one shot mixed drink for each of us. We all sipped away for 5 min, cowering deep into our jackets as the wind was really bad that night. I was in the middle and spent the whole 5 min talking to the 20y/o cousin on my left. I then picked up the vodka bottle to start a second drink for all of us... and it was empty. My 16 y/o fem cousin had quietly guzzled the whole thing in some form of hardcore destructive mood. She was already decaying hard. We stood her up and started to make a move back to my truck (1 1/2 miles away over hilly sandy paths). She didnt make it 20 steps before she klunked to the ground. She was gagging, babbling, laughing. My 20 y/o cousin and I freaked out. He had a shoulder injury and couldn't help carry her. I had to do a fireman carry for over 20 min across some really shitty terrain smuggling her past houses and a coast guard station... yeha. I also had to haul her quietly up two flights of stairs and get her into bed. My cousin and I hovered over her making sure that she was still breathing and didn't try to pull a Jimi Hendrix on us. At dawn my cousin went home and I passed out feeling that she was in the clear insofar as alcohol poisoning went. She lost the enitre next day in severe hell trying to burn off the 22 shots of vodka out of her 108 lbs frame. I swore off giving minors alcohol at that point as even family members proved to be seriously uncool about it.
dang .. but making her a shot and her taking advantage of the open bottle are two different things .. though I do understand your point ...
starting drinking in pubs from about 15-16, regularly buy my 15yo bro beer in off-licences for home consumption, we've even smuggled him drinks in public bars

he'll probly try and drink at his age anyway i'd rather he did it with me where i can see what he's doing and look after him.
I don't drink that often, and sometimes I do drink too much.
I got drunk a few times, and really didn't like it, so I try not to get drunk anymore.
But sometimes the situation is just so fucked that I don't care :)

When it comes to giving drinks to minors...I don't. I've never been asked to, but if they'd asked, I wouldn't do. But the legal drinking age is 16 around here.
Under 16 is the responsibility of the parents, but I wouldn't buy them drinks.
In the weekends when I'm at our camper, I'm the only one who is above 18 (the other ones are 15/16/17), so in that sense I do give minors drinks... I'm the one with the id-card... I don't really care, they'd get drunk anyways if they wanted...

Oh, and Sf is partially right: 16 for beer and stuff like that, 18 for stronger drinks...

...and since I don't drink beer, I'm glad I'm 19 :headbang:
first time i tasted brandy was when i was 6 or 7. I must admit, i didn't like it.

impressive how things change with time :D
I'm never gonna give a minor a drink. I'd be damned if I ever give myself another one, let alone someone else. Shit almost got me killed, shit did get my best friend killed, and it'll only do the same to anyone else.
i don't think one drink can kill any minor (unless is 96 degree alcohol).

you sure it was just one?
It indirectly got my best friend killed. He never drank, but he got broadsided by someone who was driving drunk.

As for me, I was stupid enough to think that drinking away my problems would magically make them disappear. Main thing wrong with that was that I had so many problems, I drunk myself stupid.
when i was in HS was when i had the most to drink. i ahd my first at somethng like 5 but im not sure. i stoped drinking so heavily after my senior year in HS and after i turned 21 i hadnt drank in months although i do from time to time im trying to cut back now so my future wont rely on it. id rather be a good family man than a drunk when im older and have a family so thats why i cut back.
a few months (well actually more like 6 or 7) ago in 7th grade my brother poured an ounce or two or vodka into a glass of sprite
I threw up 3-4 times that night.
at least i got to stay home and play computer games the next day, but it wasant fun :(