I love it :D

Bush Derangement Syndrome -- Iraqi style! Yee haw!

President Bush easily dodged the throws, and brushed them off with the comment "All I can report is it is a size 10." It looked like he had a grin on his face as he sidestepped the second fling.

The Youtube video catches the perp screeching as he is surrounded by the Secret Service. Shades of "don't taze me, bro."

TMZ's is better quality, but shorter.

I'd love to see an attempt like that by some BDS-afflicted U.S. dino-media reporter and the ensuing smackdown by the Secret Service. :p
for the haters out there.......;)

An Arab “journalist” showing rage at Bush for turning back Jihad. The irony here is had this been a few short years ago, the reporter would be executed for such a transgression.

And for the latest internet joke: if this happened to 0bama he'd just knock it aside with his manpurse. He'd leave the reporter beat down to Michelle.

I guess the guy thought Bush was slower than he is. Next time -- Oh, wait, there likely won't be a next time for this guy ... nevermind.


Bush ducks two shoes hurled by Iraqi
By MIKE ALLEN | 12/14/08 2:05 PM EST

Welcome to Baghdad. An Iraqi reporter set off pandemonium Sunday by hurling two shoes at President Bush during a news conference that was the centerpiece of his secret goodbye visit.

Bush was cool under fire and prevented an even bigger incident by waving off his lead Secret Service agent, who was prepared to extract him from the room.

Video shows the president's lead agent rushing to the podium, but the president immediately and subtly motions to him that it's OK. The agent backs off.

The president successfully ducked both throws. Photos show him with his head down near the top of the podium. The embarrassing incident marred a visit meant to show off the improved conditions since the troop "surge" dramatically reduced casualties to U.S. troops.
The irony here is had this been a few short years ago, the reporter would be executed for such a transgression.

I highly doubt a reporter would be executed for throwing a shoe at Bush a few years ago.

The shoe throwing was

cat said:
That's the ticket.....
Throw a Shoe at his ass.

Pretty funny stuff. :laugh:
I highly doubt a reporter would be executed for throwing a shoe at Bush a few years ago.

Since you think that all was sweetness and light in Saddam's day and you need a little help let me rephrase that for you.

It is ironic that he is able to fling shoes at a visiting President, because that man is the very same one who gave him the "right" to do so, the one who liberated this "reporter's" ungrateful ass and brought democracy to his country -- because the under the deposed Saddam Hussein's rule he would've been run through a woodchipper for it. :shrug:
I don't really see the humour in it. It was a violent polticical statement, and already many are rushing to make this guy a hero. I am not a bush fan, but I think he handled it well.

also, throwing shoes in the middle east is a bigger insult there than here, try showing an arab man the soles of your shoes, and he is gonna get pissed.

If this guy had issues with bush, he could have gone another route, like disrupting the press conference peacefully, yelling carrying on etc. Instead he went with the violent route.
Since you think that all was sweetness and light in Saddam's day and you need a little help let me rephrase that for you.

He would not have been punished, he would have gotten a medal from saddam for it, if he threw a shoe at saddam on the other hand....

he and his family would have disappeared.
”When he's in Egypt the Florsheim flinger never protests Mubarak's regular human-rights abuses, but then, this “journalist” is smart enough to fear dictatorship, so he keeps his wingtips laced and his mouth zipped about what he sees in Cairo.

Iraqi officials have described the incident as shameful.

A statement released by the government said Mr Zaidi's actions, which also included him shouting insults at President Bush, "harmed the reputation of Iraqi journalists and Iraqi journalism in general".

Correspondents say the protesters are supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr - a leading critic of the US presence in Iraq. Smaller protests were reported in Basra and Najaf.

The Iraqi government has demanded an on-air apology from his employer.

An Iraqi official was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that the journalist was being interrogated to determine whether anybody paid him to throw his shoes at President Bush.

He was also being tested for alcohol and drugs, and his shoes were being held as evidence, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Bush said one of the reasons for his trip was to herald the passage of the Strategic Framework Agreement and the Status of Forces Agreement -- two pieces of legislation that will help guide the future security and political relationship between Washington and Baghdad.

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for coming. I bring greetings from a proud and grateful nation -- Merry Christmas to you, happy holidays. Congratulations on your inspiring accomplishments here in Iraq. And above all, thank you for volunteering to defend our country in a time of danger.


THE PRESIDENT: And so I have a message for you and all who serve our country: I want to thank you for making the noble choice to serve and to protect your fellow Americans. Sometimes it can be hard to tell when history is being made, particularly if you're in the middle of the action. What you're doing in Iraq is as important, and courageous, and selfless as what American troops did in places like Normandy and Iwo Jima and Korea. Your generation is every bit as great as any that came before it. And the work you do every day will shape history for generations to come.

I guess what I'm telling you is your grandchildren some day are going to say, "Thank God you showed up and served."
After the shoe toss was over, and in a personal interview with Jennifer Lovey of the Associated Press, President Bush blamed everything on Saddam Hussein. :blank:
He'll be gone in a month then we can all relax, for exaclty 60 seconds before Obama affirms his oath
After the shoe toss was over, and in a personal interview with Jennifer Lovey of the Associated Press, President Bush blamed everything on Saddam Hussein. :blank:

Wow, everything? Good thing Congress saw fit to give the green light to shut him down. But don't just stand there.... Link Miss Jennifer's story right up!

THE PRESIDENT: I want to take you back to what life was like eight years ago here in Iraq. Iraq had a record of supporting terror, a record of developing and using weapons of mass destruction, was routinely firing at American military personnel, systematically violating United Nations resolution. Life for the Iraqi people was a nightmare, with Saddam Hussein torturing and murdering anyone who did not support his repressive rule. Iraq was a sworn enemy of the United States at the heart of the Middle East; the region was a serious threat to the us.

After the attacks of September the 11th, 2001, America concluded we could not tolerate a regime like this in a pivotal region of the world. I gave Saddam Hussein a chance to peacefully resolve the question as to whether or not he had weapons of mass destruction. You might remember, I went to the United Nations, where a body said: disarm, disclose, or face serious consequence. It was his choice to make. And he made the wrong choice. And so the United States military, with a vast coalition removed this man from power and the world is better off for it. (Applause.)

He'll be gone in a month then we can all relax, for exaclty 60 seconds before Obama affirms his oath

Speaking of the Devil, I've heard that he will actually use his Muslim middle name in the swearing-in ceremony. Since Barack HUSSEIN 0bama admits he has a middle name, and yes, that middle name is HUSSEIN, is it no longer considered racist to refer to it?? :shrug:
Bush is delusional. But you can't complain about Bush criticism when you can hardly bring yourself to type Obama's name correctly.