I love it :D

Øbama gets the same respect you've shown President Bush: Zero ;)

However, he is our President. Not their president, ours. If you prefer sinking to their level, enjoy the trip. Me? I'll wait for an excuse to impeach his ass.
Now, I'm not talking about criticizing this country or the troops that defend it like a librul would. Yuk -- just the thought of him trying to salute the troops is sickening.

He is not my president until he demonstrates his eligibility. Until then, he is a fraud.
However, he is our President. Not their president, ours. If you prefer sinking to their level, enjoy the trip. Me? I'll wait for an excuse to impeach his ass.

Criticizing our leaders was a time honored tradition in this country before 9-11. Suddenly it was "un-American" to disagree in any way (which, given the handling of that situation and everything that's happened since is completely ludicrous). Sorry, it's one of the most "American" things we do. When you have a legitimate complaint about Obama or his handling of a situation as the president, it will certainly be your prerogative to complain loudly, vociferously and at great length. I certainly won't consider you "un-American" for so doing. At this point, however, he has not even taken office yet. All of this searching for half-baked, spurious, wildly inaccurate reasons why he shouldn't be allowed to be president, well, we've already discussed that, haven't we. That's not only un-American, it's pathetic. You lost, they won, move along.
so my dad said this yesterday when he saw that and i quote "That is what going to happen with Obama but it will be with bullets and not shoes"
Criticizing our leaders was a time honored tradition in this country before 9-11. Suddenly it was "un-American" to disagree in any way (which, given the handling of that situation and everything that's happened since is completely ludicrous). Sorry, it's one of the most "American" things we do. When you have a legitimate complaint about Obama or his handling of a situation as the president, it will certainly be your prerogative to complain loudly, vociferously and at great length. I certainly won't consider you "un-American" for so doing. At this point, however, he has not even taken office yet. All of this searching for half-baked, spurious, wildly inaccurate reasons why he shouldn't be allowed to be president, well, we've already discussed that, haven't we. That's not only un-American, it's pathetic. You lost, they won, move along.

yep, time to grab the bootstraps, and move along.

* heads off to pull together 800 in scratch for house ins.
Gotta give the Prez credit for good reflexes and for not over-reacting.
The VicePrez might've shot the guy.
Wow, everything? Good thing Congress saw fit to give the green light to shut him down. But don't just stand there.... Link Miss Jennifer's story right up!

Hey, I tried but there is some rule here on OTC that says no posts can contain other IRLs until fifteen posts are made. Good rule and understandable. Since this is post number two for me, you'll have to do the work.

Go to ABC Nightly News and click on the Interview with President Bush under Sunday programing.
If you can't handle getting "the finger", or all the trash-talk,
or getting the occasional shoe thrown at you-
don't run for office!
Dubya was lucky it wasn't a grenade.
That said, I don't like the idea of our President getting shoes thrown at him.
Respect the Office, even if you don't respect the man.
I've got a little more respect for the man for taking it in stride the way he did.
Still wouldn't invite him to my barbecue, though...
Why are some of y'all so down against Obama?
Give the guy a chance- he might make a difference.
(Cynic laughs up his sleeve)
The one true Conservative got marginalized, not only by the Press,
but by his own party.
The political party that stands for nothing doesn't stand for long.
Where are the Whigs, the Federalists, the Do-Nothings?
Footnotes in history books now.
At least there's still the Bull Moose.