I need your prayers and positive vibes right now

Man, that's one of my biggest fears. My mom turned 55 today. Wish I could be there.
thanks guys. I am going out of my mind right now. On a positive note, I talked to my daughter today for the first time in 13 years.
Cutter said:
I am going out of my mind right now.
It's not so bad. There's subtle differences, like not being able to think temporarily, and stuff like that, but being out of your mind is certainly better than having one that doesn't work like me.
I don't have ICQ anymore sweetie, it fucks up this machine.:(

...shoot me a pm
Having talked to your daughter must have been a breath of fresh air during this trying time...don't lose that again, and keep your chin up.

Hope your Mom comes out alright, Cutter. Doctors can do a lot of amazing things these days. They've given my dad 16 years of life that he wouldn't have had otherwise. He had a massive heart attack in '87 that almost killed him. He underwent a heart transplant about 5.5 years ago, and he's doing really well. Hang in there and hope for the best.