I now have a whopping pile of Karma...


Well-Known Member
Redundant. Do i deserve a whopping pile of Karma? I doubt it. A few years ago on Raging bull we used dollar signs to determine an individuals popularity. RB was so active that some threads surpassed a million posts(no shit). If you posted enough eventually you'd have the maximum of six dollar signs. It didn't matter if you were a basher or a financial genius. I also had six dollar signs. Did i deserve it? Hardly. I'm far from a financial genius but i posted a lot so i got it. Getting my point? People naturally deal out atleast four times as much positive feedback as negative. In this case everyone will eventually have a whopping pile of Karma. Get it?

I think we should get rid of the Karma system until it makes more sense.
If you understand or respect my logic please give me negative feedback.

Thank you.
I agree but the argument against it doesn't have much weight because it doesn't do harm.

People don't troll to get karma

It "was" a popularity contest of sorts back then but not anymore

It acts like a pat on the back...not needed but it is liked by some people

I don't care for the system....i don't give karma and i don't much care if people don't give me karma or not...their opinions attarct me to them....not their amount of green dots....if i like what they have to say i compliment them publicly and openly.

I have only used the karma system 4 times ever.....hell i can recall who i gave karma to. After that i just got sick of the pointlessness of it all.

So in conclusion...the karma system does no harm but i see no need for it but i am hardly reigning authority on anything.
Well...it doesn't do any harm...and it is a pat on the back but a sort of useless pat on the back which is exactly my point. It's useless although in the short term granted, it's neat.

Not really a big deal to me. Just throwing my thoughts out.
:eek6: But I use it to transfer sensitive coded information regarding conspiracies that I see developing within threads....Its the only way we can keep ourselves free...
Squiggy said:
:eek6: But I use it to transfer sensitive coded information regarding conspiracies that I see developing within threads....Its the only way we can keep ourselves free...
what he said....i just think it's kinda neat...if it bothers people we could always do away with the pips altogether but keep the karma system for the warm fuzzies.
Squiggy said:
:eek6: But I use it to transfer sensitive coded information regarding conspiracies that I see developing within threads

and you wonder why i want to get rid of it. :devious:

I doubt it bothers anyone. I just think it is again, useless-- & misleading to newbies although the secret message part of it is cool. Like i said, i've just been through it all before so i'm seeing all ends.
Don't surrender anything, tonks! I've just figured out that this is a conspiracy against the left since we seem to hold most of the karma power...I would have sent this via the normal secret route but I've exhausted the 24 hour limit... :devious:
Squiggy said:
Don't surrender anything, tonks! I've just figured out that this is a conspiracy against the left since we seem to hold most of the karma power...I would have sent this via the normal secret route but I've exhausted the 24 hour limit... :devious:
lol....i don't care about the pips though....i mean sooner or later everyone is going to hit ten pips.......what's the big deal? but i love the little messages...am i left? i never really thought about it....i'm a little on the right sometimes.....i'm so wishywashy, huh?
...says the Karma Queen. Anyway, i think it's a cool system with the secret messages and stuff. But i don't care how much karma people have, i judge them by their actions instead. Btw, /me is 2 points from a whopping pile... <_<

Update: I'm now a Whopper. :swing:
IDLEchild said:
It "was" a popularity contest of sorts back then but not anymore

You are not the only person who has said that and that was the reason I disabled mine in the beginning. I think you're wrong, incidentally, and the people who I was giving karma to and were giving karma to me were being generous. And nice. I don't know why you and others insist on seeing it as a "popularity contest", as if it was a bad thing. Yes, we joked about the karma and who had the most. I didn't see anything wrong with being nice to someone and giving them karma and a nice message. And I still don't. It's like getting a scaled down PM. It's only a big deal and a problem if people make it so.

Hex, you seem to be uncomfortable with it since you got negative karma in the Freedom Tower thread. You can always disable it in your user cp and don't look at the comments you get, that's always an option. I had a problem with it more because whoever was spreading around the negative karma was using it as a one-way communication and not giving you a chance to talk about it. Hell, this is a message board, aren't we supposed to be able to talk to each other?

I think there will always be people who use something like this for their own purposes, or who don't like it for whatever reason. But I think on a whole, people either like it or don't care one way or another. You don't get karma for having a lot of posts, so how do you propose it be changed to make more sense? What would make sense to you?
Hahaha...someone gave me negative karma for this thread......lazy fuck......atleast write a comment.....

Whoever didn't like me comment can suck it or Carefully read my post again. Its hillarious though...

oh and those who have been leaving me comments i am so sorry...i realize you took your time out to write them and i haven't been reading them.....that shell be fixed from now on.
IDLEchild said:
Hahaha...someone gave me negative karma for this thread......lazy fuck......atleast write a comment.....

Whoever didn't like me comment can suck it or Carefully read my post again. Its hillarious though...

oh and those who have been leaving me comments i am so sorry...i realize you took your time out to write them and i haven't been reading them.....that shell be fixed from now on.

It wasn't me. :evilcool:
The thing i like about karma: the comments people leave, it is like a mini-chat :D
You are not the only person who has said that and that was the reason I disabled mine in the beginning. I think you're wrong, incidentally, and the people who I was giving karma to and were giving karma to me were being generous. And nice. I don't know why you and others insist on seeing it as a "popularity contest", as if it was a bad thing. Yes, we joked about the karma and who had the most. I didn't see anything wrong with being nice to someone and giving them karma and a nice message. And I still don't. It's like getting a scaled down PM. It's only a big deal and a problem if people make it so.

Well you and I both understand that i "thought" of it that way and to me it was but not anymore. I just believe in complimenting in a different way. I have no problem with the system at all, i just don't use it, thats all.

What annoys me however are those that write out wonderful comments while giving "good karma" but easily seem to forget writing a comment when giving "bad"....yeah like a red dot will really divert me from my opinion. Don't be a pansy.
Yeah, I know what you mean IDLE, i've given bad karma only a few times (to other members besides a13 of course) but i've always left the reason and my name. There's no point in hiding.
Hex, you seem to be uncomfortable with it since you got negative karma in the Freedom Tower thread. You can always disable it in your user cp and don't look at the comments you get, that's always an option. I had a problem with it more because whoever was spreading around the negative karma was using it as a one-way communication and not giving you a chance to talk about it. Hell, this is a message board, aren't we supposed to be able to talk to each other?

Not at all greeny. Like i said i've been through the karma system before and i know how it turns out and eventually everyone will have a whopping pile with the exception of a poor unpopular few. The tower thread was a coincidence as it just happened to be the thread where i recieved my whopping pile and i didn't want to post this thread until my karma was full so that people wouldn't think i was whining because i didn't have enough karma. Do you really think i'd get all upset over one piece of negative feedback? :D This is me you're talking about here. I'd be a wreck if i took it personally every single time someone flamed me. I didn't mean to get you upset though. I was just sharing my outlook on the entire thing not necessarily trying to bring the whole system crashing down.
IDLEchild said:
Hahaha...someone gave me negative karma for this thread......lazy fuck......atleast write a comment.....

Whoever didn't like me comment can suck it or Carefully read my post again. Its hillarious though...

oh and those who have been leaving me comments i am so sorry...i realize you took your time out to write them and i haven't been reading them.....that shell be fixed from now on.

Wasn't me either. I told you what I thought, no need for me to take your karma away if I don't agree. :)

Don't get me wrong, I've given my share of bad karma, but only in the beginning for some fun to those who thought they could bad-mouth me "anonymously" without me knowing. And also to make a13 happy. :D

Hex, I don't really understand what you're saying. You said you thought they should get rid of karma until it makes more sense. But you're also saying you don't want to bring the system down. I don't know what you mean, really. :)
I propose we capture Hex, put him in large potato sack, tie it up and in a dank room somewhere collectively beat him untill he loves the karma system....

any takers?
I love the Karma system. As do many other people here. I think i'll just leave it at that before i wind up in a potato sac.

Good Karma blessings to the world!!!