I really gotta stop this

It really fascinates me how all smokers say either (a) I'm not addicted and I can stop whenever I want, I just don't feel like it, or (b) I really need to stop, but it is so damn addictive and it isn't easy.

Ah man, if you want to stop, I wish you best of luck :) Think of it this way... more girls will be turned on by you that way ;)
The sight of that gives me mixed feelings. I've quit now for what, 3, 4 months? I really want one, but I'm really glad I don't have that laying around anymore too.
I had a psychology professor that once gave our class the "best" way to quite smoking (this was based on human behavior research and clinical trials, but is probably around 10 years out of date, so...)

His suggested method:

(1) Change brands to something you really, really don't like. You still get the nicotine that is so addictive, but you don't enjoy the activity nearly as much anymore.

(2) Start slowly cutting back, over the span of four to six weeks, until you are smoking about 1/4 of what you were. This will be aided by (1) since you don't really enjoy the taste, but will still be difficult to cut back that much.

(3) The difficult part. At the end of the four to six weeks (whenever you reach the 1/4 point) chain smoke until you are sick. Literally. Suck them down as fast as you can stand, pack after pack, until your body says "enough" and you puke out a kidney or two.

(4) Never worry about it again. In my professor's words, "you're cured."

Something about the OD will teach your body that cigarette=bad, and it's powerful enough to overcome the addiction for most people. I don't know, never smoked, so I've never tried it obviously. I know two people who used that method after trying to quit several times, trying cold turkey, cutting back, patches, pretty much everything. One guy even substituted blow-pops (suckers) for cigarettes... he ate a bag a day. Nothing worked but the above. It also worked for my dad, unintentionally, as he wasn't trying to quit. When he was young and had been smoking for a few years, a vending machine spit out over a dozen packs of cigarettes instead of one. He and a friend of his went into the woods and smoked every single cigarette, back to back, no breaks. He's never touched one since, or even had the urge to.

Who knows. Probably a bunch of crock. But, I'm sure you and most everyone else you know that has partied hard enough has a particular kind of liquor that they won't touch ever again. For me it's peppermint schnapps. :) I'll drink most anything you put in front of me, straight preferrably, but peppermint schnapps literally makes me sick to my stomach... just the smell of it. I'm not even that fond of peppermint in general anymore. For my friend it's tequila. After a night spent wrapped around a toilet bowl, he can barely stand to see a bottle of it. The smell makes him gag now.

If you can create a reaction anything like that strong to cigarettes, it might be a powerful aid to quitting.
Yeah, I guess puking out both kidneys will cause you to stop smoking.....and breathing, and living....:D

Actually, it does seem a logical way to achieve success...I'll have to find a brand I don't like....:tardbang:
I smoke occasionally, but usually after one or two i feel like puking, that's enough to keep me from picking up the habit.*pimp*
i quit cold turkey myself.i wouldnt haev suggested what your prof said. see nowa days ill have a toothpick or a pen and pretend its one. or ill make the movements as if i had one and then be like what the hell?? first thing quit because you want to. also find a reason(mine both times i quit wsa for a girl ironically the only girl i ever dated was a smoker)
Squiggy said:
Yeah, I guess puking out both kidneys will cause you to stop smoking.....and breathing, and living....:D

Actually, it does seem a logical way to achieve success...I'll have to find a brand I don't like....:tardbang:
Players Filter :headbang:
outside looking in said:
But, I'm sure you and most everyone else you know that has partied hard enough has a particular kind of liquor that they won't touch ever again. For me it's peppermint schnapps.
Cognac here *puke* 10+ years I've overdrank the thing and I still can't smell that crap...
There is no universal cure for quitting, it's different for everyone. Unless you've smoked, you don't know what it's like to know all about the health risks, know people who died from smoking, know that everyone's turned off by it, feel the effects of it, but still not wanting to quit.

It's the strangest thing. I had asthma, knew all about the reasons I shouldn't smoke but I just. didn't. care. So when people get on their high horse and start telling smokers that they're disgusting and vile, the smokers don't care or just dislike that person for saying it. Besides, most of the complaints are for the benefit of the complainer, not the complainee. I'm not talking about second hand smoke, because that's a different subject altogether; no non smoker should be subjected to that.

I recommend getting walking pneumonia and double ear infections to help you quit. That's what did it for me, getting sick constantly and not being able to breathe. It's not easy to smoke when you're like that so I stopped while I was sick and just never went back. :headbng2:
PuterTutor said:
The sight of that gives me mixed feelings. I've quit now for what, 3, 4 months? I really want one, but I'm really glad I don't have that laying around anymore too.

Man, I know how you feel... I quit 20 years ago but I could have done with a fag the other day when I picked up my sister's death certificate for sure! Actually the whole box! :eek:

There are times when I really want one, even if they are bad for me...

I quit by going cold turkey from smoking 30 a day - I had to as it was for medical reasons, it was very badly affecting my chest. This was before I developed full blown asthma(6 years ago). The wheezy symptoms disappeared within 3 months of quitting.

I actually cannot stand the smell in my home or on heavy smokers. I can usually tell when someones about 10 feet away whether they smoke or not, my nose is extremely sensitive. Even so, the urge is still there in times of stress. :(
greenfreak said:
I'm not talking about second hand smoke, because that's a different subject altogether; no non smoker should be subjected to that.
That is really nice of you to think that way. Unfortunately not all smokers think that way.

I've never smoked nor do I intend to. :)