Gato_Solo said:BTW, Miki, How did you escape from Ku'u? I heard she had you tied and gagged somewhere...
BTW Gato, being a Baywatch babe has its perks, no matter what situation you're in, you always escape unharmed, untouched and still looking beautiful
*continues running the beach in slowmo*
halamikage said:*slowmo, running down the beach, breasteses everywhere, sees Ku'u unconcious*
*checks out the scene for any dangers*
*taps Ku'u on the shoulders*
Ku'u, Ku'u are you alright? I know first aid, can I help?
kuulani said:[sidenote] Miki is the same person, who after her CPR class, encouraged me to "choke" instead of "cough" when I was eating and the food went down the wrong pipe [/sidenote]