I sincerely hope


molṑn labé
Staff member
That the kids that live in suburbia, in little overpriced enclaves like Bear Shit Meadows & Bambi's Dead Estates have a better halloween than my kid.

Our cul-de-sac had maybe 40% participation, using the porch-light-is-on method of calculation. The street behind us had one house. Across the intersection was maybe 25%.

What happened to virtually every house participating?
Way too many kids came over today. Last year I had a comfortable number of one kid...this time, way too many.
It was great here. Mind you, I'm not in the most multicultural area. That could have somethin to do with it mebbe? Single parents...I wasn't able to be here and take my kids out. I kept mine home a bit later so I could be home long enough to make sure the tinier ones got some, but the older ones found no porch light on.

My kids got tired and asked to come home :eek5:
We always have all the lights on, and have loads of candy, but in 23 years....
5 kids...total.
I guess we're just too far off the road.
The kids in this house don't do trick or treat. (too dangerous these days)
They just got back from the church, at what they call "hallow hymn".
They get plenty enough candy there, and have a good time, so....
Them there's plenty of the candy we buy each year that doesn't get given out. :swing:
Maybe people are like me and work retail. That often means Sunday nights until late.
For the second consecutive year, we had a grand total of 0. I think we had two the year before.

Guess we gots-ta eat all these yummy Reese's Cups ourselves... :swing:
SouthernN'Proud said:
For the second consecutive year, we had a grand total of 0. I think we had two the year before.

Guess we gots-ta eat all these yummy Reese's Cups ourselves... :swing:

Perhaps that loaded shotgun pointing out the window? :D
It couldve been better...much better.

It was raining Black cats & dogs. :( Luckily JAG was in a fireman's outfit complete with hat etc... so he stayed dry, but me and MrsBish were soaked through and through. Only ended up doing our street and one of the periferal streets, going at a 2 1/2 year old's pace. :D

He's really good at picking out the houses to go to "Ah HAH!!" he says and points to a house with a light on. He's got the "treat" part of trick or treat down pat...although it sounds more like "teat". Says 'tanks' and 'candy' OK too. :D

When we do the door...we tend to run out after about 2 hours or so...averaging 100-150 kids per Halloween. We've usually run out by the time the older kids show up...usually not in constume and far too old to do the route anyway.

Anyone else get teenagers with loot bags emphasizing the 'trick' part in order to ensure the 'treat' ?
Gato_Solo said:
Perhaps that loaded shotgun pointing out the window? :D

Who, me? :angel2:

Actually, we live so far back in the sticks we have to pipe in sunlight. No curbed sidewalks and cul-de-sacs for us. The freakin' Waltons were uptown next to this. :D Just like we wanted it.

I'm actually training to be come a certified hermit. :eyemouth:
SouthernN'Proud said:
Who, me? :angel2:

Actually, we live so far back in the sticks we have to pipe in sunlight. No curbed sidewalks and cul-de-sacs for us. The freakin' Waltons were uptown next to this. :D Just like we wanted it.

I'm actually training to be come a certified hermit. :eyemouth:

I'm saving my money in hope of moving from the foothills to the real hills
someday. (or have 2 places. :confused: )
catocom said:
I'm saving my money in hope of moving from the foothills to the real hills
someday. (or have 2 places. :confused: )

We are blessed beyond belief to have found this spot. The Appalachians are quite literally across the road from us. We see the base from the front porch, a sweeping panoramic view that still takes my breath sometimes.

The house is a 75 year old farmhouse that, in all honesty, Bob Vila would run screaming from. We figured we had the rest of our lives to make it what we want it to be, and one room at a time we will get there. But man, the view...plus we got some tillable land that makes a damn decent garden plus tons of elbow room away from the next doors. For a couple with down to earth expectations and more dreams than baggage, it's all we could ever have asked for.

Someday we will get the digitalisticalized camera thing-a-ma-bob fixed and I just might post a pic or three. Our more urbane members may not be impressed, but that's OK...I ain't impressed with town either! :evilcool: Been there, done that...ain't goin' back.

Nice to find another like minded soul on the site. For my money, ain't nothing like a place in the mountains. :)
SouthernN'Proud said:
We are blessed beyond belief to have found this spot. The Appalachians are quite literally across the road from us. We see the base from the front porch, a sweeping panoramic view that still takes my breath sometimes.

You're right at Amicalola Falls? If so, you're not too far from me.
HomeLAN said:
You're right at Amicalola Falls? If so, you're not too far from me.

Well, not the base in that sense. I'm in Greene County TN. I meant the base of the swell of the Appalachians here. Sorry if I misworded.

More properly stated...I see a field that culminates in the slope that becomes the Appalachians...is that even right? :confused:

Hell, it'll make sense if I ever get the digitalisticalized camera thing-a-ma-bob working again.
That'd be nice, if you did get the thing-a-ma-bob going, that is. I'd like to see. Must be lovely.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Well, not the base in that sense. I'm in Greene County TN. I meant the base of the swell of the Appalachians here. Sorry if I misworded.

More properly stated...I see a field that culminates in the slope that becomes the Appalachians...is that even right? :confused:

Hell, it'll make sense if I ever get the digitalisticalized camera thing-a-ma-bob working again.

Makes sense. I was thinking Southern terminus of the trail.

Halloween here was great. We always do a neighborhood parade down our street that ends in front of my house. I gave out 4 bags of mini hershey products in about 45 minutes, then it stopped.
The area I live in (Vernon, FL) is rural and very spread out, so they had a deal this year where most of the the shop owners in town set up tables on the sidewalks and gave out candy to the trick-or-treaters. There were Halloween decorations everywhere, and almost everybody was in costume. It was great for the kids, and the adults had a good time, too.

Afterwards we loaded a hay wagon with coolers full of fish and oysters and beer, tables and chairs, etc., and a couple of gas grills. I hitched it to my tractor and we hauled it out into the middle of a peanut field and lit off the bonfire we had prepared earlier in the day, and grilled fish and steamed oysters and drank beer. It was a blast.
Halloween has never really caught on over here, tho it's slowly starting to catch on. Guy Fawkes on the other hand is a celebration we embrace (and set fire to as many hills, garden sgeds as possible)... Yay for November the 5th.