I think I might got a bad disease....


I don't know why I am sharing this but....

Today I went to help a friend clear his property for his new house. I was standing atop a logpile passing down logs for all of 15 minutes before I had to quict beacuse of terrible and painful muscle fatigue in my wrists and ankles. Sometimes I get it just pulling the clutch on my motorcycle, or even typing. I can't chew anything chewy for any length of time and it's hard to stand for long sometimes The doctors are aware of my condition but diagnosis could be a long way off. I am terribly scared I have some dread disease.....It's hard to deal with.....Especially not knowing what's wrong. I am trying not to feel sorry for myself but it's hard.....I certaintly don't want to be pitied, but I believe all of you would wish me well in this situation and you're all good people deep down I beleive.....Yes even Gonz :D . I do have the humility to ask for your prayers in this rough spot in my life.
Re: I got a bad disease....

is it your whole body? have they ruled out MS? i wish you the best. maybe it's a lactic acid build up?
Re: I got a bad disease....

Thay have not ruled out MS and It feels a lot like lactic acid if I am right in thinking I know what lactic acid buildup feels like?!? It feels like I have been working out a long time to the point of getting sore. It's a warm dull pain. It seems to haappen to any part of me that does anything strenuous.
Re: I got a bad disease....

i'm not a healthcare professional (i though i have worn a nurses uniform on occasion ;) )but it sounds alot like lactic acid. there is some kinda vitamin/GNC/hippy health crap that helps with that. i'll ask rob to elucidate.
See things are paying off already maybe. Based on what you told me I changed the topic header :) I knew I should post this.....Half of my reasoning is that maybe someone would have an idea of what I got.
patchy or skin color changes?
profuse sweating?
rapid weight gain or loss?
swelled lymph nodes anywhere?
checked yourself for spider bites?
even fatigue through the day or at various times?
rapid heartbeat?
exercise or diet change recently?
insulin recently been 'tuned'?

we need details...
None of those things except fatigue.....Sometimes mental mostly physical. Everything is as normal as it was before the symptoms started. I am on several medications and the only two that the doctor suspected have been temporarily phased out one at a time for scientific purposes but yet there was no change in symptoms during the abstinance of either drug (Ritalin and Zocor). The symptoms could fit MS and possibly ALS but there are some key ALS symptoms that I lack and MS has such widely varying symptoms and is hard to diagnose so I wouldn't want to jump to any conclusions.....
No skin tone change... so nothing screams 'liver' to me. Iron problems would jaundice you out. hmm.. Wouldn't be Lymes disease.

Appetite would rule out a few others.

With the absence or most symptoms I would almost say its a simple illness virus.

Have you had water from a questionable source? Loose bowel at all?

Is this just the body being fatigued or is your thinking off as well?
My thinking seems as good as ever (was it ever good?)

These symptoms have been about 6 months in duration, and no unknown water or food. The next part is gross so read at your own peril.

Bowels normal except one strang thing. Several times in the same period of time they have been green, and there has been no green food I ate in abundance.
It almost sounds like chronic fatigue syndrome associated with the diabetes... but youre missing so many co-symptoms. I don't have enough info to even suggest a path. What have the doctors put forth on this? I assume that there have been blood/neurologic tests perfomed?
No on the grape juice.

I do suffer mental fatigue but I don't think anything but memory is effected. I always seem to be able to think ok I just get tired/cranky frustrated and forgetful.

Right now my forearms are sore just typing.....

The doctor did bloodwork that came out normal (I don't know the details). He has had me see a nuerologist once who did a battery of stimulus response tests.

Edit: I do drink purple gatorade.
Lactic acid is the chemical substance that gives you a "stitch" or "cramp" after exercise...

Its a waste product I think... *CB tries to recollect A Level Biology from 7 years passed* from the muscles... :shrug:

So I'm thinking if its jointal pain... it may not be that.

But anyhoo... leave it in the hands of the professionals, stay positive and try to be a healthy as possible in other aspects (diet, alcohol etc) that can only aid recovery or perhaps ease symptoms. Also try not to worry... I know its easy to say than do but a positive mental state can do wonders for the physical state.

My thoughts are with you... :hug:
Yeah lactic acid buildup is caused by muscular anaerobic respiration which would mean your muscles are not getting the oxygen they need. If it is that, it may be circulatory....
markjs said:
Thanks for you guy's support. You know it does mean a lot.

If it is lactic acid, and you're not allergic, I'd suggest taking one baby aspirin. It will help make your blood more fluid, thus getting more oxygen to the muscles.
I take a daily 325mg aspirin for my heart anyway. I am also a high cholesterol patient. My heart stress test was negative (for problems). and my oxygen level last time I was in the ER was normal. But then again that oxygen level was taken before my onset of symptoms.
markjs said:
I take a daily 325mg aspirin for my heart anyway. I am also a high cholesterol patient. My heart stress test was negative (for problems). and my oxygen level last time I was in the ER was normal. But then again that oxygen level was taken before my onset of symptoms.

Ask your doctor about lipitor. Seriously. If your LDL and HDL levels are out of balance, that could be constricting your arteries so that even that aspirin can't help. Exercise and diet are the best way to go until you can get a handle on your cholesterol, though. More salads with non-creamy dressings, if any at all, and less red meat will do you a world of good.