i think i need a new kwyboard< do you agree?


New Member
so yeah< my shift key fell off> and my periods and commas look like <a nd >< so i"m just clearing that up now>
cos like< my shift key is stuck now> even tho it"s not there> it"s stuck on shift> and in order to type in lowercase i have to hit caps lock> i" am typign this in caps lock>

it makes it hard to fix things too< and everything keep shighlighting< and my scrolly wheel on my mouse is also not workjing as a result of this shift_key mayhem>

i can"tr type numbers< either>
even when i disable shift lock>

and the numberpad thing on the side types like this :
yes that"s right> >>> it doesnt type> at all>

the description is fine and well>>> but you need a visual aid>


i can"t type dots for web adresses either>

time for a new keyboard
kittie had to go back and insert the code for that picture while signed in as me> because i can"t do anything involving the control key< and i can"t copy or paste with the mouse either< unless it"s in an aim window>
i also can"t send instandmessages by pressing enter< i have to hit "send">
btw< i do have function keys and all that< they"re just hidden under part of my computer desk>
Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard designed for anyone with a disability that prevents him or her from typing on a physical computer keyboard. As long as the person can control a mouse, trackball or other pointing device, he or she can send keystrokes to virtually any Windows application or DOS application that can run within a window. Click-N-Type is a 32 bit application that requires Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP or later. There are other virtual keyboards around but you'll find Click-N-Type the easiest to use for getting text into those uncooperative places like browser URL "Address:" fields, Email "To:" addresses, Email "Subject:" fields, dialog boxes like "Open" and "Save As...", and many other problematic applications. Try them all. You'll see they all work fine while typing into Notepad or WordPad, but when you attempt to do some real work, with all but the expensive ones, you'll get really annoyed really fast. Click-N-Type was designed with ease of use foremost in mind. Oh yes, it's FREE. If you need it, you can have it. I've seen too many people trying to make money off the disabled. Of course, if you'd like to drop Bridget a line at [email protected] with any comments, I guess I couldn't stop you. If you do, we can keep you informed of any fixes and/or future enhancements.

With this on-screen keyboard, you can use your mouse to type in any text environment, including chat, email and word processing programs.

It is recommended that you download to C:/Windows/StartMenu/

When you start the Virtual Keyboard by MiloSoft, it will put an icon on your taskbar. Use this icon to configure your keyboard before using. You will need to configure it for "Always On Top" in order to use it with your text environments.
I haven't tried any of those ,so use due discretion and there are probably more ,if your so "googley " inclined. :winkkiss:
i am on my dad's computer now, where the keyboard works perfectly well. :)

i think it was time for me to get a new keyboard anyway, tho...
mine's actually held up very well for its age and usage conditions... we've had it for over 10 years, i'm sure.
my mom, a secretary for a judge, has typed dozens of legal/court transcriptons with it (hundreds of pages each), and i've used it almost daily for many hours at a time for the past five years.
it was very loud and clacky (which i grew to like, and now dislike whisper-quiet keyboards), and sometimes letter keys would stick or not register, but it hadn't done that for a while.

all in all, it was a really good keyboard.
i never cleaned it other than to blow the air out of the keys every couple of years or so, so it was pretty filthy as you can see in the picture, but...

i liked it. i've had that keyboard the entire time i've been a regular computer user at home.
it has served me well.
It would have to be at least 10 years. They started putting on windows keys in early 1995 in anticipation of Windows 95.

You can get a new beyboard for about $15 now.
Hey, I have that exact same keyboard, tho none of my keys are missing. It doesn't even have a windows key. :D

I like the loud clacky kind of keyboards too. It lets me know I'm typing.

Anyway, about this whole windows key thing, I've never used any keyboard that had one, so I don't know anything about the whole idea of a windows key.

Sometimes I'd read about windows shortcuts in PC World that required the windows key, i think. Anyway, I just skipped that stuff.

P.S. Loud clacky keyboards rule!
i am on my second keyboard in less than a year...last one had g and x issues...this one is great, all ergonomic and bright pretty colors....only drawback is that the connection piece is heavy and tends to draw itself out of the back of the computer...wse have it propped up with a cuticle pusher thing and it works like a dream.
Can you say 'garbage day' shopping? I knew that you could. I'm constatntly finding old computers, either in bits, partially intact or sometimes completely intact. I often see 13" and 14" monitors too, keyboards, wiring, pwoer supplies...printers etc...all on garbage day.

It's amazing what people will throw out.
Go shooping for free!!!