I truly have pity for this bumpkin

Back in the day I used to cheer his ever falling approval ratings.
These days it is just clear that no one wants this boob around anymore.

So much for American's first mulatto President
four more years?
The analysis of the election is simple: There are now more takers than providers in America and the takers won.
"Obamacare’s individual mandate non-compliance tax penalty"
Now we are all on the dole homie.
paying a penalty for not having insurance may be dumb, but it's not 'the dole' sparky.

am i on the dole if i have my own policy? nope didn't think so sista abdullah.
Sorry. She won't hire mall poll takers.

As for Obamacare, this is step one. Soon you won't be able to buy your own insurance. But,
gladly, you can pay for several other peoples.
yeah she won't be hiring anyone. the muffin shop was only a half-assed idea quickly turned into a tale of governmental woe and oppression to rationalize risk aversion and a broad lack of resourcefulness.
It shouldn't cost the equivalent of a small country's GDP to open a Muffin shop
in government fee's and regulation compliance but that's Obamanomics for ya.
We'd best get used to living in a declining economic situation
every year worse than the last, previous benchmarks never to be met again.

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.
It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our
children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan, long live the Republic!
wow that's certainly never happened before.

you're citing evidence of... nothing... i think you even got peel beat on paucity of meaning here! congrats on the new low.
So if the last four years didn't sink in with you,
I doubt it will make one whit of difference in another four.
oh yes let the fun begin
whatever scro. the economy isn't great. the problem is a lack of new ideas to generate value. that's what you get from a bunch of bitter clingers who can conceptualize little more than extractive economies.

good luck competing at the low end now that, to quote someone who is rarely correct, "the world is flat." sanjay is gone kick your brain-locked ass right back to the goddamned muffin shop, where julio will work for much cheaper than you will.