I want to be disturbed


Well-Known Member
I want to be disturbed when I’m too pleased with myself. When all my dreams have come true- because, I dreamt too small. When I’ve gotten home safely – because I took the easy road.

I want to be disturbed when I look at all that I’ve accomplished, and lost my thirst for adventure; when I’ve spent so much time improving my home, that I’ve forgotten the world around me.

I want to be disturbed when I’ve fallen in love with life, and forgotten that I’ve only just begun living.

I want to be disturbed when I’ve forgotten that it is on the darkest roads that I can see the stars, that I should reach for them, and not just look, that my limit should be beyond the stars and that my dreams should only be the beginning.

I want to be disturbed.
Kawaii said:
*pokes Bish with a stick*

There, i disturbed you. :)

Ps: Did you write that?
Thanks for the poke...and yeah, I did write that.
I've been thinking that we've all been living too easily, and until certain events happened (which will remain nameless so that this doesn't end up in RW), that we didn't appreciate what we had.
OK...so 29 views and only one reply. Must've done something wrong.


So. Quick question to all y'all. Do you feel that America needed something like 9/11 to happen in order for it to get its ass off it's complacent hiney and get moving on issues like terrorism, repressive government, drugs, violence in schools etc...?
MrBishop said:
So. Quick question to all y'all. Do you feel that America needed something like 9/11 to happen in order for it to get its ass off it's complacent hiney and get moving on issues like terrorism, repressive government, drugs, violence in schools etc...?

No, it didn't. Tragedy isn't and shouldn't a be an incentive to make social change. Only thing 9/11 did was incite intense patriotism for about 2 months...then the flags came off from the front porches and we went back to talking about doing things and not actually doing them.

No wait, we did do something. We killed a few "bad guys" and declared hollow victory.

Violence exists, drugs are rampant, government is more repressive than ever and terrorism is in full effect. 9/11 was only a highlight and reminder that problems exist.

I've been thinking that we've all been living too easily, and until certain events happened (which will remain nameless so that this doesn't end up in RW), that we didn't appreciate what we had.

So what if we were? Why is our level of comfort so speculated for weakness? If we really must be ashmed or enlightened of our easy living then why do 3,500 deaths have to remind us of this?
IDLEchild said:
No, it didn't. Tragedy isn't and shouldn't a be an incentive to make social change. Only thing 9/11 did was incite intense patriotism for about 2 months...then the flags came off from the front porches and we went back to talking about doing things and not actually doing them.

No wait, we did do something. We killed a few "bad guys" and declared hollow victory.

Violence exists, drugs are rampant, government is more repressive than ever and terrorism is in full effect. 9/11 was only a highlight and reminder that problems exist.
You don't think that the shadow reminded us of the sun in any way? That there is no good that can be taken from the bad of those deaths? I've found that trajedy is a stronger uniting factor than love is. People love to wallow together in their misery. A funeral will bring families together faster than a BBQ. I think that there can be no social change unless people realize the weaknesses of the current status...without trajedy, there is no NEED for change...everything's just fine, thank you. The problem is, that it isn't fine, as you mentioned, but no one's doing anything about it...until the shit hits the fan...then the impetus for change occurs.

IDLEchild said:
So what if we were? Why is our level of comfort so speculated for weakness? If we really must be ashmed or enlightened of our easy living then why do 3,500 deaths have to remind us of this?
Not weakness....stagnation. If you stay at status quo ... you fail to strive for more....greater achievements, more security etc... It needn't have been the actual 9/11 incident...I'm merely using it as a recent example....but for it to affect change in such a large population...it would have to be a large event.
Cute Luis! :D

OK...shifting away from the 9/11 event...let's talk about other events which created change in society as a whole or in part.

Over here, the big event was the "Ice Storm". Millions without power for up to 3weeks at a time. Neighbours relied on neighbours, family, frineds. Volunteers helping by the truck-load etc... We created a community around an event...and it's still going on. A small tragedy in terms of loss of life, to be sure, but one with a large series of events afterwards...most of them positive.
MrBishop said:
I've found that trajedy is a stronger uniting factor than love is. People love to wallow together in their misery. A funeral will bring families together faster than a BBQ.

Of course. But for how long? How long does unity stand for. At this rate we need a tragedy every 6 months to remind us of the bigger picture. Bish it is nothing more than momentary sadness shared by all. Conflicts of interest resurface quite fast.

I think that there can be no social change unless people realize the weaknesses of the current status...without trajedy, there is no NEED for change...

People have always realized the weakness of the current status. Read the newspapers..one editorial after another gives one thought out opinion after another and great solutions to solve meddling social problems but it all goes to waste. Why? Because change requires effort, not awareness. I am aware of many weaknesses of mine but god knows i'd rather sit there and not care. This society doesn't want to put in the effort, thats why we appoint countless politicians but we forget those people are also lazy fucks like us.

everything's just fine, thank you. The problem is, that it isn't fine, as you mentioned, but no one's doing anything about it...until the shit hits the fan...then the impetus for change occurs.

Shit hits the fan everyday. I never said things were fine but god knows you can not expect an 9-5 worker to go home and worry about the world when his/her feet ache.

Not weakness....stagnation. If you stay at status quo ... you fail to strive for more....greater achievements, more security etc...

Achieve greatness as a society? Hah...now that is hillarious. Only way you obtain effciency and discipline on a major level is through stern social practices and strict governmental control. So either you

A) Have a society where free will and personal satisfaction is stressed.


B) Have a society ruled by strict laws encompassing all aspects of life. For the better of the community personal satisfaction, personal desires and opinions are looked down upon to achieve conformity driven effciency.

because as soon as you give the masses their voice they all want to shout their worthless opinions on what they think is right...A.K.A....U.S.A. Anything else and you're being idealistic.

Tragedy does nothing except remind us we are fragile...for about 2 seconds atleast, then we're back working for the money. There is no cause for traumatic events to remind us of our superficial lives because awareness is only half of the equation.
IDLEchild said:
Achieve greatness as a society? Hah...now that is hillarious. Only way you obtain effciency and discipline on a major level is through stern social practices and strict governmental control. So either you

A) Have a society where free will and personal satisfaction is stressed.


B) Have a society ruled by strict laws encompassing all aspects of life. For the better of the community personal satisfaction, personal desires and opinions are looked down upon to achieve conformity driven effciency.
And yet...some coutries laud themselves as being the greatest on the face of the earth...and it's because of their freedoms and not the lack thereof. Ask Gonz and he'll tell you as much. :D

If you cannot create some inertia through the force of change, then how can you create positive inirtia?
It's easy to stand shoulder to shoulder with your neighbour in times of crisis. But when there's no crisis to distract you, you suddenly notice that he hasn't showered recently, he spits in public, and basically isn't someone you really want to associate with. Until the next crisis. Quebecers have it easy. All they need for a crisis is for someone to speak english to them.
Professur said:
It's easy to stand shoulder to shoulder with your neighbour in times of crisis. But when there's no crisis to distract you, you suddenly notice that he hasn't showered recently, he spits in public, and basically isn't someone you really want to associate with. Until the next crisis. Quebecers have it easy. All they need for a crisis is for someone to speak english to them.
MrBishop said:
And yet...some coutries laud themselves as being the greatest on the face of the earth...and it's because of their freedoms and not the lack thereof. Ask Gonz and he'll tell you as much. :D

Don't kid yourself. Every country thinks it is a god given gift to humanity. Russia: Economy going no where, its only influence comes from it size, large amounts of nuclear weapons and a short temper. Yet that doesn't stop from Russians thinking they are greatest people on Earth. Japan: economy tanking for the last 20 years despite new technological developments, small in size butthat doesn't stop them fro mthinking they are greatest. India: Government ruled by dumb fucks, government endorsed and followed by dumb fucks and the social attitude, on the whole, is a giant dumb fuck but these people believe they are greatest in the world.

Gonz, i'll admit is too favorable towards U.S actions but he is a norm. Every country has millions of Gonzs, every country stresses its importance and existence to high heavens be they provide human rights or not. U.S is no different.

If you cannot create some inertia through the force of change, then how can you create positive inirtia?

Only thing I can imagine is neccessity. Unless there is a dire need for social and economic change for the better it won't happen in full force or at all.
Sadly, only one thing usually drives people to action.......a drop [or even threat of a drop] in the cash in their pockets.

Ask any political analyst what they'll be looking most closely at in the run up to an election. It won't be opinion polls on an armed conflict, or environmental issues, or even crime figures.........it'll be the state of the economy :eh:

You don't a large event that affects a few to make folks sit up and take notice........you just need a small event (or series of small events) that affects everyone.
IDLEchild said:
Only thing I can imagine is neccessity. Unless there is a dire need for social and economic change for the better it won't happen in full force or at all.
The problem is that people don't look past the noses on their faces. They don't care to look at the big picture. While they sit at home in front of their big-screen TVs, with their 3 cars parked in front of the house, and their summer lodge...they don't see the beggars four blocks down. They don't see the stores with "Closed" on them etc...

They need a smack in the face with an Economics textbook before they'll even look up.
MrBishop said:
The problem is that people don't look past the noses on their faces. They don't care to look at the big picture. While they sit at home in front of their big-screen TVs, with their 3 cars parked in front of the house, and their summer lodge...they don't see the beggars four blocks down. They don't see the stores with "Closed" on them etc...

They need a smack in the face with an Economics textbook before they'll even look up.

Agreed. It is easier to turn the other cheek then to care but that goes without saying. There isn't much more to say other than: that change comes about when one's lifestyle or one's life is threatened. Even that isn't a strong enough incentive to move some people.