I was gonna wait...but...


Staff member
I'm to excited :D

So, I met a new boy for the first time on Sat. We had coffee and went to a movie, it was nice, I got a kiss goodnight. Sunday I was suppose to go to a mall in Toronto with a friend of mine but he hurt his knee at work so had to stay home and rest it. The boy volunteered to go with me. His name is CJ btw. Anyway, so CJ and I went to the mall...I drove as I was the one going anyway and he was keeping me company. We then got Iced Caps (his treat) and chilled in his parent's backyard (he has his own place but prefers to stay at his parent's cause his apt is in a shady neighbourhood). I met his dad before the mall, his mom after the mall and also his sister and his nephew who happened to be at his parent's place. We chilled with his sis, mom and nephew for a bit then him, I, his sis and his nephew went to his sister's place where we chilled some more, I met his bro-in-law and I saw his nephew's room (awwww nothing cuter than a 4 year old saying "You wanna see my room?!"). I had to leave to get my brother from work...CJ didn't want me to go. He was like "Can you come back and hang out some more?" but I had a few things to do and work in the morning so I couldn't. So, I left, with a nice goodnight kiss again :) Sunday night he said he was already looking forward to next weekend to see me again (he works 2:30pm-11pm and I work 8am-5pm). Yesterday I thought up the idea that he and I coudl have lunch together one day this week cause I get an hour lunch break and can take the car (since my mom only gets 20min and can't leave cause she gets paid for hers...and we work at the same place). So, I mentioned it to him last night when I called him on his break and he thought it was an awesome idea. So, I get to see him again tomorrow and I am so beside myself. He's the first guy I have met in ALONG time who is interested in getting to know me...and who likes me for who I am and who tells me that just talking to me makes him smile :brush:
Ah, the blooming of young love, fantastic :)

Nix, don't let him shag yer until he's at least bought ya flowers :p
Oz said:
Ah, the blooming of young love, fantastic :)

Nix, don't let him shag yer until he's at least bought ya flowers :p

hehehe :p

I think I might get flowers soon...he is always sending virtual ones on MSN and on Sunday he was like "Gonna have to get you real ones soon, meant to today but forgot :(" to which I replied "awwwww it's ok"...I hope he knows that I meant it's ok that he forgot...not like..."It's ok don't but me flowers"
Nixy said:
hehehe :p

I think I might get flowers soon...he is always sending virtual ones on MSN and on Sunday he was like "Gonna have to get you real ones soon, meant to today but forgot :("

Give him time darlin' us blokes are pretty dopey (dopey= bleedin' braindead) when we fall for someone :D
Oz said:
Give him time darlin' us blokes are pretty dopey (dopey= bleedin' braindead) when we fall for someone :D

yeah, it's all good. I just hope he didn't misunderstand the "it's ok" comment...as stated in my edit above :p
Uki Chick said:
If all goes well, he can come to the BBQ with you. We have room for an extra.


Paul said no boys allowed :crying4:

But I know who the boss is :devious: so thank you I appreciate the offer, we'll see what happens :brush:
Uki Chick said:
Never listen to Paul. He's not allowed to make those decisions. :lol2:

hehehe oh I know :devious:

I just played along...you know...humoured him...
paul_valaru said:

nixy's bringing a boy, get the 2x4

No, no, the 2x4 is only for the boys who treat me like dirt...he'll only be coming if he treats me good.
It's a trip that's for sure!!!

It's different...not like anything I've ever experienced before. He wants to know me for me and I want to know him for him. It's really ratehr awesome :)
ooooooooooooh the tiara from the pic :D

It's not Pauly who uses the 2x4 it's Prof...he seems to think all the boys I date are not worthy of me...until now I'd have to agree with him :)