I was wondering...

Hmmmmmm......people do a lot of things for money.

Avoid relatin' to their mate, cheat on spouse, remain absent from their children's lives, take an unethical position with the company, at the expense of others, betrayal of long time trusted friends, etc.

However, I don't think that the temptation of the power money brings, is so much the issue, as the our unwillingness to draw a line in the dirt an' stick by it.

Settin' up the kind of perameters for ourselves that, we decide to live an' die by, usually means bein' willin' to "run" when that which we're tempted by approaches.

An' bein' unwillin' to stand by an' gaze in the "window" of that temptation, which is only sure to take us farther then we ever meant to go.

Havin' those "perameters" set up ahead of time, is how I avoid the inevitable destruction that follows all forms of self-indulgent attitudes which breed negative behaviors.
