IAEA Reports Iran to U.N. Security Council


Well-Known Member
Still, any such moves were weeks if not months away.

long enough for that 170 lbs of U-235 to slip away
and create that 13 kiloton gun type fission device
detonatin' inna city near you

I'm tellin' yeah folks I hope it won't take that too
justify opening another 'front' in the war on terror

when a nuke does ignite an American city,
folks like Cindy and Flamio better mind their Pee Pees & Queues
about their free speech rights
cuz us folks like us might not see things quite the same way afterwards

Ya think?

yep the A-Rab werld better rein in these nutcases
cuz thangs will be different for them for
years and years otherwise, they will certainly
have too be the center of attention of another
'Crusade'! heh heh

"It contained about 64 kg of uranium, only 700 g of which underwent fission."

how cute, wipe out a city with 1.5 lbs of metal neat huh?

Granted theirs wouldn't be an airburst so the death toll would be lessened
but hey it would be a big mess for FEMA to clean up!

Don't worry Hillary will be the Prez
and she can blame it all on GW!
Of course with all that oil money and the mention of heavy water in the article
mebbe them ragheads would go for the Beemer of nukes instead

purdy cool to compress a highly dense chunk of metal
from the size of a basketball to that of a tennis call
at just the right speed takes a lil more knowledge

(but it fits better on the tip off a missile headed for Israel)

you know the kinda stuff all those outta werk
Ex-Soviet nuke program guys know about?
Still, any such moves were weeks if not months away. Two permanent council members, Russia and China, agreed to referral only on condition the council take no action before March.

Twenty-seven nations supported the resolution, which was sponsored by three European powers _ Britain, France and Germany _ and backed by the United States.

Cuba, Syria and Venezuela were the only nations to vote against. Five others _ Algeria, Belarus, Indonesia, Libya and South Africa _ abstained, a milder form of showing opposition.

The opposition leaders are a who's who of tyranny & communism. Do they really count?
Well.. yeah... They have nukes, vital resources, and population. If they were unimportant we would have steamrolled them by now.
I was referring to
Algeria, Belarus, Indonesia, Libya and South Africa

Of course Russian & China count & they weren't officially opposed
Algeria has oil, Belarus has nukes, Indonesia has a jillion population, South Africa has a myriad of vital resources. Only Lybia is truly insignificant.

Now if you would have said unstable...
No.. my bad really. I'm just an annoying hair-splitter. We were just thinking in different terms.

In personal terms, the only countries of signifigance are the ones that can brew up a half decent beer.
So what did Iran do against the agreement? Last I heard they were playing by the rules in the developement of nuclear energy.

Since Bush bypassed the Senate and got John Bolton, another member from their crazy PNAC group, established as head of security council (the guy that said "the UN does not exist") we've probably got a war no matter what Iraq does.

Great guy....

After it was vetted by numerous intelligence agencies, the language was softened to say, "Cuba has at least a limited offensive biological warfare research and development effort. Cuba has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states." Cuba, which has an advanced biomedical program, adamantly denies it has ever had a biological weapons program of any sort. And ironically, two months after the Sept. 11 attacks, Bolton vehemently opposed the Protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention that would have required member states, including the US, to submit to inspections of their biological weapons.

Bolton denied trying to have the two men who disagreed with him fired. Members of the Senate committee, however, spoke with seven intelligence officials who contradicted Bolton's assertion. One said Bolton had dismissed the opinion of Christian Westermann, the chief bioweapons analyst at the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, as "a midlevel INR munchkin analyst." Boxer noted that this "midlevel munchkin" was a war hero who served in the US military for 23 years.

The toughest questions didn't come just from the Democrats on the committee. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel from Nebraska, referring to Iraq, asked Bolton, "How could the UN weapons inspectors be so right and us so wrong?... How could the UN inspectors be right and how did we miss it?" To bolster the case for war with Iraq, Bolton pushed for Bush to include in his State of the Union address the false statement about Iraq seeking uranium from Niger, over the opposition of the State Department.

When Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wis) asked Bolton whether the United States made a mistake by failing to stop the genocide in Rwanda 11 years ago, Bolton had no substantive response.
flavio said:
So what did Iran do against the agreement? Last I heard they were playing by the rules in the developement of nuclear energy.
Then you haven't been paying attention. They kicked out the IAEA quite a while back.
So there's only their word, and that ain't worth spit.
Hey, when it comes to this, more than 1 week is quite a while.
They are not as you say "playing by the rules"
They won't let the IAEA into all the facilities, and that has been going on longer.

On your link there it said the special meeting was to be on feb 2.
Do you know what happened then?
Um, science class was a long time ago, but last time I checked, U235 wasn't weapon's grade. You need U238 for that. U235 simply doesn't have the neutron density to go critical.