IAEA Reports Iran to U.N. Security Council

Years down the road people will try to make excuses
for why we let them get away with this crap.
catocom said:
I've read that and some other articles and can't find any indication so far that any special nuclear materials or activities involving them have been used to further a military purpose.Your article and the other ones I'm finding don't seem to mention how they are breeching the existing Iranian Safeguards Agreement, the IAEA Statute, or the UN Charter. It is clearly mentioned that they have made attempts cooperate with several voluntary measure.

I'd like to know what exactly is causing all the fuss otherwise this is just PNAC marketing to sell another invasion.

I did find this...

WASHINGTON - As it accuses Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons, the US is preparing to upgrade and renew parts of its own ageing nuclear arsenal.

Critics believe the upgrades could lead the US to breach the treaty banning the testing of nuclear weapons.
Yeah but North Carolina NEEDS nukes! j/k

The only saving grace in this whole matter
is that the A-Rabs are so backward they can't
build these things for shit.

The Koreans are crafty lil' devils and cobbled
half a dozen of them together. Without help
the fascists in dirty nightshirts would never figger it out.

Yep if 9-11 gave U.S. free rein to run roughshod over the Islamic world
just wait til the center of one of our cities is a gamma-glow
smokin' hole in the ground,
we'll figger we have to run the governments of the
whole durned Islamic werld!

Oh and I blame Billy C for the Chinese having
pin point accuracy on their nuclear missile fleet.
Winky said:
just wait til the center of one of our cities is a gamma-glow
smokin' hole in the ground
The way you talk about that so often and get so hopped up and aroused about the idea makes it seem like it's some sort of fetish or turn on for you. Would you set one off yourself if you could blame it on muslims so you had an excuse to kill a bunch of them?
flavio said:
I've read that and some other articles and can't find any indication so far that any special nuclear materials or activities involving them have been used to further a military purpose.Your article and the other ones I'm finding don't seem to mention how they are breeching the existing Iranian Safeguards Agreement, the IAEA Statute, or the UN Charter. It is clearly mentioned that they have made attempts cooperate with several voluntary measure.

I'd like to know what exactly is causing all the fuss otherwise this is just PNAC marketing to sell another invasion.

I did find this...
I don't know about the link you got there. I don't know them good enough
to know if there might be a slant. My link was straight AP.
It seems from what I'm seeing the gov there looks somewhat divided on the issue.
IMO the best thing that could happen right now is for the members that want
to negotiate, to coup the others.
or, maybe a rebel coup.
ok after reviewing your article link farther, I can say it's a slant....

Critics believe the upgrades could lead the US to breach the treaty banning the testing of nuclear weapons.

Since the project will likely involve replacing technology developed in the 1960s with the latest available, watchdogs are concerned the US might be inclined to test such weapons and breach the 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

Critics...,believe,....Might, ....
You gotta do better than a bunch of assumptions.
That's not much more than a commentary.
catocom said:
ok after reviewing your article link farther, I can say it's a slant....

Critics...,believe,....Might, ....
You gotta do better than a bunch of assumptions.
That's not much more than a commentary.
It's not a slanted article if part of it says what some critics believe. They clearly attribut the opinions to the critics.

I'm still looking at articles from major news sources and so far none of them are giving details on how exaclty Iran breeched any agreement. There's stuff like this...

The crisis appeared to enter a more dangerous phase this week when Iran abandoned a 14-month-old suspension of its uranium enrichment research. It cut the seals placed on three key nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog.
Completely neglecting to mention that the suspension was voluntary.
Iran has insisted it has the right to develop a uranium enrichment facility to fuel civilian power reactors, but the Western countries, particularly the Bush administration, say the program is intended to produce highly enriched fuel used in weapons.
Why do they say that?!?!
I don't think anybody believes Iran's protestations that this is a peaceful program," she said in Washington, and she condemned Iran's "dangerous defiance of the entire international community.['/quote]

Defying what?
Iran precipitated the confrontation by breaking 52 seals, in full view of atomic agency inspectors, that had ensured three uranium enrichment research facilities went unused while Iran negotiated with the Europeans.
Again, from what I understand the seals were voluntary.

The trouble with sanctions or isolation is you can't stop them from making a weapons program if they are determined to have one," Albright said. "In the end, if Iran doesn't agree, you have to move to deterrence, containment, statements, and then just wait for things to get better.
Again, what makes him think they are "determined to have on".

They're making everyone freak out about Iran and it's tough to find otu what they did wrong. Anyone know? If they have been playing by the rules then this is just marketing.
catocom said:
That's not much more than a commentary.

Welcome to 21st Century journalism. Instead of writing about what happened, they're now private investigators with ink pens & speculation professionals. (with to be noted exceptions)
catocom said:
They're making everyone freak out.
you don't have much stock in any of those counties do you?
From what I can see so far Bush and the media is making us freak out and Iran has gone out of their way to try to cooperate.

Much stock? What do you mean? I certainly don't see why anyone would have much stock in BushCo trying to sell us another war after the Iraq fiasco.

I imagine it will become clearer in the coming days...

The known fact is that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad IS a terrorist.

Until he's gone, there's gonna be troble.
I don't even see the word terror in that article. I did find it in this one...

"he has mentioned that he has an extended program on fighting terrorism in order to improve foreign relations and has called for greater ties with Iran's neighbours and ending visa requirements between states in the region"
nope, but what do you call this?
Several of the 52 Americans who were held hostage in the US embassy in the months after the revolution say they are certain Mr Ahmadinejad was among those who captured them.

Much stock.....
I mean you don't believe the other counties can think for themselves....
They just believe what ever the US says?

Iran has gone out of their way to try to cooperate.
Then why are they not letting the IAEA back in. Why did they NOT jump
at the proposal that Russia offered?

How have they "gone out of their way" to cooperate?
If they pretend to go along & then cause a ruckus & then go along & then cause a ruckus, ad infinitum, they'll have more time to prepare for their attack on Spain.
because the Diplomatic Corp is made up of people too ascared of their shadow to say BOO!.

If it may cause a wave it's bad so it's easier to say OOps after the fact.
catocom said:
nope, but what do you call this?

Much stock.....
I mean you don't believe the other counties can think for themselves....
They just believe what ever the US says?
Hard to say what's up with that.

"[size=-1]protracted back-room negotiations were being held to achieve broader consensus"[/size]

Then why are they not letting the IAEA back in. Why did they NOT jump
at the proposal that Russia offered?

"Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said Tehran would stop allowing UN inspections and resume peaceful nuclear activities "without restriction" if Iran was sent to the Security Council, which has the power to impose sanctions."

The inspections were voluntary and apparently they're still willing to discuss the Russian deal but feel it shouldn't be necessary.

How have they "gone out of their way" to cooperate?
Voluntary inspections and suspensions of the program.