

New Member

i just logged on to my iChat and I looooooovve it! I only have 1 person in my buddy list so far, but he and I have been having an audio conference all morning.

i am no longer an iChaat audio conference virgin :headbang:

is there anyone else out there that can i can audio conference with? :lloyd:
I have iChat, and audio options, I think, on the BF's precious laptop, but that would be like trying to pry the One Ring from Gollum. :rolleyes: Don't have it on the G4 cube though. :(
i'm not geeky enough to explain how it works ... wish i could though.
all i know is that i talk to my computer & my friend's voice comes out of the speakers :lloyd:
soooooo....it's like talking on the telephone then? you know, that funky looking white box sitting on the wall.
tommyj27 said:
soooooo....it's like talking on the telephone then? you know, that funky looking white box sitting on the wall.
:rofl4: But this is with the computer.

Umm... Ku'u? I've been video chatting with friends and family for at least three years. :p
BeardofPants said:
I have iChat, and audio options, I think, on the BF's precious laptop, but that would be like trying to pry the One Ring from Gollum. :rolleyes:

I know how he feels...my laptop is me preeeeeeeeeciooous *misses laptop as it is at home and she is at work*

I let my bf sit down and use it last weekend when he was over and I was doing chores...and about half an hour later I was like "OMG! YOU realize how much this means I like you?" and he was all like "huh?" and I was like "I am letting you use my laptop and didn't even think twice about it!!! I don't let ANYONE touch my laptop!"

I voice chat on MSN and/or Yahoo sometimes but never ichat...DJCake and I have voice chatted a few times.
I don't have a web-cam, but I do have a microphone and nice speakers. I've tried hooking up with MSN...but no one'll talk w/ me :(

Usually...I just use a phone card. At about .8 cents/minute Canada, 1.3 cents/min USA and 2.8 cents/min Europe...a $5 card goes a Loooooooooooo ooooooong way :D
chcr said:
Umm... Ku'u? I've been video chatting with friends and family for at least three years. :p

I know, I know ... I'm waaaaaay behind the times! The funny thing is, though, I'm waaaaay ahead of the rest of my family.

My husband doesn't know how to check his own email, I have to do it for him ... but that's not all, my brother doesn't even have an email address :alienhuh:
kuulani said:
I know, I know ... I'm waaaaaay behind the times! The funny thing is, though, I'm waaaaay ahead of the rest of my family.

My husband doesn't know how to check his own email, I have to do it for him ... but that's not all, my brother doesn't even have an email address :alienhuh:

It's a sign of the times. My son had an email address 6 months before he was born :) My father, who used to work with computers all day before retiring...doesn't have one yet :D