I'd like to think I have the wrong impression

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... of this place but actually I don't think I have.

Which is a real shame.

Personal attacks, harrassment and down right trolling are, I believe, factors which should be controlled in ANY forum no matter how "free the speech"

But I suppose that that is difficult to enforce as certain members who are there to enforce such measures don't even abide by their own ruling.

Catch you later... I may well keep dropping from time to time... the majority of you guys are really great, honest, open, mature posters open for a laugh and a fair debate without nit picking and semantics... but there is just a small element here that has made my some what brief stay a nightmare.

Sorry guys but certain people have made me feel about as welcome as a fart in space suit!

I'm sorry but thats how I feel...

ClaireBear said:
... of this place but actually I don't think I have.

Which is a real shame.

Personal attacks, harrassment and down right trolling are, I believe, factors which should be controlled in ANY forum no matter how "free the speech"

But I suppose that that is difficult to enforce as certain members who are there to enforce such measures don't even abide by their own ruling.

Catch you later... I may well keep dropping from time to time... the majority of you guys are really great, honest, open, mature posters open for a laugh and a fair debate without nit picking and semantics... but there is just a small element here that has made my some what brief stay a nightmare.

Sorry guys but certain people have made me feel about as welcome as a fart in space suit!

I'm sorry but thats how I feel...



Honestly, you just have to learn to ignore them. It's not always easy, but I learned the hard way too. There were people here who bothered me as well with some of the things they said either directly or indirectly. I just let it ride. It's just a matter of being better than them and not stooping down to their level. We all have our own opinions, and yes some take it things too far. I hope you can put it past you and stay. Most of the people here are really great!
Like Uki said...you just have to ignore it...stay out of it...the RW forum upsets me like nobody's business so I stay out of it. Something I'd rather just not know, I don't NEED to know...I have a jaded enough view and so certain things in there I prefer not to know about...also, everyone is entitled to their opinions but on certain topics I just do not want to read other people's opinions, I don't want to broaden my thinking when it comes to certain things. I live my life so that I am happy and at the same time hopefully not causing any negative effects on society as a whole...some may think I have an "ignorance is bliss" issue...the truth is...sometimes ignorance is sanity...I'm not strong enough to deal with and know of all the downfalls in the world.

So, in short, my advice to you is to stay out of that forum...it will probably make your OTC experience SO much better. If you ignore that forum it will probably make OTC a place you do not want to leave...that kind of discussion is not for everyone and that is part of the reason it is kept seperate from everything else :)
I know that Nixy...

I'm aware that any political/moral/social debate will never be a picnic... but I don't believe that ANY administrator should be getting stuck in there shirt sleeves rolled up dishing out their own bigotted views in an agressive manner and allow other members who share the same views get away with insulting, harrassing and personally attacking the views of posters who have opposite views...

Its not professional!

A moderator and administrator should be a a more neutral entity!

I am now worried about whether this unproffesional edge will be seen in other boards here!
Gonz said:
Once again, it's all my fault

Gonz, I never said anything of the sort, so don't start anything with me now. I was just telling Claire to ignore it if she doesn't like what is being said. Whether I agree or disagree with some of your views, I watch what I say and post. If I don't agree with you and don't want to start a huge debate, then I don't bother posting. This doesn't go only for you though, but for anybody and any subject.

We all have a right to our own opinions, no question about it. Claire, I think, felt singled out a little by some of the stuff that was said and is just voicing her feelings, which is her right as well.
First i personally think this whole thig is being blown out of whack. Everyone has opinions/beliefs. Some are good others arent. The RW has a very direct warning for the exact reason you are now saying you are leaving. It gets heated, people disagree on topics. That is why i dont even go in there much. (cepting for the ocassional "COOL IT" post) everyonce in a while people try to drag it outside of that forum but we nip it as fast as we can.
The only advise i can give you or anyone going in there is this. BE thick skinned if you feel differently about the subject, because both side will find sources for their post and reason for their opionins, i have seen many agruments from boths sides why one is right or wrong. But in the end Never bring personal experiences into the matter unless you want to really get upset because that is human nature. wether what you did was right in your own eyes or not, there is always someone who will think different. Most of us are adults and should be able to handle our emotions.
Wether you decide to stay or leave is ultimately up to you I cannot and wouldnot try to force any one to stay here. I can only hope that by looking around the rest of the forums you can see that really everyone is pretty cool here.

Freedom of speech is one of the main reasons this site came about, most of us were outcast from other sites where it was censored and you could basically agree with everyone or you could leave. But that is not going to happen here. That is what freedom is all about.
samcurry said:
First i personally think this whole thig is being blown out of whack. Everyone has opinions/beliefs. Some are good others arent. The RW has a very direct warning for the exact reason you are now saying you are leaving. It gets heated, people disagree on topics. That is why i dont even go in there much. (cepting for the ocassional "COOL IT" post) everyonce in a while people try to drag it outside of that forum but we nip it as fast as we can.
The only advise i can give you or anyone going in there is this. BE thick skinned if you feel differently about the subject, because both side will find sources for their post and reason for their opionins, i have seen many agruments from boths sides why one is right or wrong. But in the end Never bring personal experiences into the matter unless you want to really get upset because that is human nature. wether what you did was right in your own eyes or not, there is always someone who will think different. Most of us are adults and should be able to handle our emotions.
Wether you decide to stay or leave is ultimately up to you I cannot and wouldnot try to force any one to stay here. I can only hope that by looking around the rest of the forums you can see that really everyone is pretty cool here.

Freedom of speech is one of the main reasons this site came about, most of us were outcast from other sites where it was censored and you could basically agree with everyone or you could leave. But that is not going to happen here. That is what freedom is all about.

Yes but like you say as an administrator... you stay out of it... and rightfully so.. other less professional admins do not.. That is now my main problem! Its not right!
So are you suggestiong that all admin and mods not post but only do their duties and moderate everyone elses conversations? or that they should only reply if they are in agreement with the posters? or that politics and religion should be tabue like it used to be and never spoken about in public because of the strife it causes? This is the delimina im in. If all we are is a figurehead whith out the ability to post our own thoughts then we might as well pack up the tents and call it a day.
If my memory server me well i seem to remember one of your very first post was that you didnt want to go into a post about abortion because it would upset you or something to that effect. Which is fine we all do that, BUT why would you then go into the post? And im not trying to single you out in particular here, its just that you brought it up so i am trying to get a feel here.
Just because im an admin doesnt mean members cant think im off my rocker, and some tell me so. Its ok everyone has their opinion. and i vice versa might think some of them are the same and tell them so, but its a big world we live in and we all learn and might start to think a little more about our outlook by these others.
I also dont stay out f it because im and admin, its just not my forte'. I dont wanna go searching for all the political rubbish.
samcurry said:
So are you suggestiong that all admin and mods not post but only do their duties and moderate everyone elses conversations? or that they should only reply if they are in agreement with the posters? or that politics and religion should be tabue like it used to be and never spoken about in public because of the strife it causes?

Sam... of course you're not being asked to not say anything. That's patently ridiculous. Stating opinion is part of RW...thet's why the news threads are being tossed there in the first place...to add the human element to a print medium.

It's lead by example. As I stated in Gonz's thread... as a Mod or Admin, the job is to make sure that the AUP is followed, especially in the form of 'no personal attacks'. That, I feel, is the core of the AUP. Make sure you're not personally insulting and thus turning away members. If the Mods/Admins allow personal attacks to go on, or worst yet, break their own rules...then what's the point?
Spliffy said:
Have i missed something? :retard3:

The RW's heated up again...this time in the form of an Abortion thread. It got nasty..Clairebear became a big-ol target and got kicked liberally. She's obviously not happy for it...this is the expression of that unhappiness.

Happy to bring you up to par :)
ok in the thread being discussed there were no personal attacks. there were disagreements about whether it was right or wrong. But the element of personal experience was added and that is when feelings change. Because then you feel as your being attacked for what you did instead of the idea its self.
thats the problem when you have any type of a debate it only becomes personal if you let it. I just dont see a problem with that thread.
MrBishop said:
The RW's heated up again...this time in the form of an Abortion thread. It got nasty..Clairebear became a big-ol target and got kicked liberally. She's obviously not happy for it...this is the expression of that unhappiness.

Happy to bring you up to par :)

No, CB painted a big-ol target on herself, wanting it kicked. And if you think in any way that that was nasty, son, you don't know nasty. I'd show you nasty, that sadly, that site's mia.
We, the admin and mods, we are members of a board and VOLUNTEER our time and braincells here to make sure it all stays within limits.

We should have as much ability here to say and post as regular members, I should think anyway...and as well get freaked on as much as regular members. And so we do, on both counts.

If one of us is an asshole *ducks*, then he's entitled to be the asshole he is *ducks again*, as long as it's within the AUP, and I think as a whole he has been. The one whose fault it is *ducks yet again* gets his due shit. If I've missed something, then I apologize...and at the same time wonder why things aren't ever reported if they're so very heinously against the AUP.

Some of you may have noticed over time that we're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't, so we just do our best, and go on...and if we suck, then we suck, but we can't do any better than our best.

As to the thread in question,

wtf? :confuse3:
perhaps I'm way jaded, but I haven't seen anything in there but conflicting views...oh yes, except for the personal attacks I had to edit which were written by this thread's poster that is. :shrug:

The man has a family and a job. Despite his real world responsibilities he gives his time for free to help maintain the site.

It isn't his job where he must shut up and work for the money. Being a volunterr does not take away your right as a human.


The issue isn't whether your right of having a differing opinion is in question...the issue is the responsibility of employment when it comes to these rights. I will not lie to you, you can be a flaming prick just egging on people. You and I both know politics is 95% emotion and 5% logic....not only in RW but all over the world.

If issues of law and government could be covered and applied logically then Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Liberal, Conservatives etc etc wouldn't exist. The views of society are lead by emption, not logic....so goes humanity......I'd expect this place to differ from the norm but RW seems to be an excuse to refrain from maturity and take part in the mudpile of politics under the guise of thought out words.

Sure the facts, links to other sites, long well typed paragraphs, citing of sources are there but how does RW differ from the politicains we love to laugh at....where is the understanding in RW? Where is the experience from seeing life through another's eyes. Don't get me wrong I am not condeming you solely, this is apparent of all frequenting RW.


Ignorance isn't sanity said:
I may not be of obstinate spirit,
i may cower in the face of dawn
They may face upon me their accedence,
even when their hope is gone.

I am of mine, my absolution undettered.
Their creed may beckon my sanity,
But never will my cries be heard.
Their hate may subvert my smilies for now,
but I am of mine, they are not me.
In the light I shall stand and I hope you stand with me.


I love you baby...*wink wink*...don't listen to the haters....

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